2019 Awardees
2019 Individual Awards will be presented at IEEE NANO 2019 in Macau, China.
Early Career Award
Professor Han Wang
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California
E-mail: han.wang.4@usc.edu
“For his key contributions to the study of black phosphorus and other two-dimensional materials, and their electronic and photonic applications”
Pioneer Award
Prof. Paul Weiss
UC Presidential Chair in Chemistry
University of California, Los Angeles
California NanoSystems Institute and Depts. of Chemistry & Biochemistry
and Materials Science & Engineering
E-mail: psw@cnsi.ucla.edu
“For exploring the ultimate limits of miniaturization and function and championing nanotechnology worldwide”
Distinguished Service Award
Prof. Fabrizio Lombardi
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dana Research Center
Northeastern University
E-mail: lombardi@ece.neu.edu
“For exceptional devotion to the duties and outstanding performance as the Editor-In-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology”