IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity



Nanotechnology Council Conferences

The Council periodically solicits proposals for hosting IEEE NANO and IEEE NMDC, three years in advance. A guide for proposal development can be downloaded here.


1. IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) 
IEEE-NANO is the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology conference.  The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaerials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterisation and modelling of nano structures and devices. Research in both experiments and simulation is reported. Industry is encouraged to present its research projects. IEEE-NANO is solely sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council.IEEE-NANO Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

IEEE-NANO  by years

2. IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference  (NMDC)  
NMDC aims to develop critical assessment of existing work and future directions in nanotechnology research including nanomaterials and fabrications, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, devices, and integration. This conference will bring together key researchers from every sector in the nanotechnology research field, with a special focus on materials and devices. NMDC is solely sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council.NMDC Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

NMDC by years

3. IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS) 
The IEEE-NEMS is a premier annual conference series co-sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council focusing on the promotion of advanced research areas related to MEMS, nanotechnology, and molecular technology.  Nanotechnology is an important emerging field. On the other hand, MEMS is indispensable in spanning nano devices into systems. It is evident that MEMS and Nanotechnology will soon merge together and this marriage will significantly impact many industries across the globe. This conference bring together world-leading researchers in several advanced topics of MEMS and Nanotechnology to disseminate their latest research results and foster cross-disciplinary discussion. The IEEE-NEMS Conference typically attracts up to 600 attendees with participants from more than 20 countries and regions worldwide.NEMS Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

NEMS  by years

4. IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED) 
IEEE-NANOMED is one of the premier annual events organized and co-sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council to bring together physicians, scientists and engineers focusing on the advancement of basic and clinical research in medical and biological sciences using engineering methods related to MEMS, Nano and Molecular technologies. The conference provides a unique forum to deliver essential and advanced scientific and engineering information in the applications of MEMS/NANO/Molecular technologies in medicine and biology to its participants. Focus topics include:

  1. Nano and molecular technologies in medical diagnosis and therapy
  2. Nanotechnology in drug delivery
  3. Biomedical imaging
  4. Biochips and Bio-MEMS
  5. Biomechatronics
  6. Cell at the nanoscale
  7. Biological interface
  8. Frontiers in nanobiotechnology

NANOMED Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

NANOMED by years

5. International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO) 
3M-NANO is the annual International Conference on Manipulation, Manu­facturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale. The ultimate ambition of this conference series is to bridge the gap between nanosciences and engineering sciences, aiming at technology opportunities and new markets. The advanced technologies for manipulation, manufacturing and measurement at nanoscale promise novel revolutionary products and methods in numerous areas of application. Scientists working in research fields related to 3M-NANO topics are invited to submit papers. Co-sponsored by the Nanotechnology Council.

3M-NANO website

3M-NANO Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

3M-NANO  by years

The IEEE International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (NAP) Conference is devoted to the most interesting aspects of modern Materials Science with the prime focus on nanoscale materials. The NAP is co-organized by Sumy State University (Ukraine) and the IEEE Nanotechnology Council and supported by the IEEE Magnetics Society and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). Although nanoscience and nanotechnology are still in their infancy, this rapidly evolving field of research is quickly transforming almost all aspects of our everyday life. From the low power electronics and supercomputers, to advanced drugs and personalized medicine, from new industrial applications, and renewable energy to advanced transportation and clean air technologies, nanoscience is the foundation of many of the transformational discoveries in the decades to come.Our goal is to bring together a broad international community of scientists, engineers, and educators who are already involved in defining a future where the understanding and controlling of matter at the nanoscale will ultimately lead to revolutionary technological and industrial advances.

NAP Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

NAP by years

7. International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS)
This recently-established annual conference is managed by a high-level Steering Committee and technically supported by IEEE-RAS and IEEE-NTC. The Steering Committee has the ambition to develop MARSS to the flagship event for cross-disciplinary R&D communities to discuss current activities in all areas related to manipulation and automation (including measurement and characterization) at micro & nano scales, and in all kinds of small scale robots and their applications.


MARSS Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

8. Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop (NANOfIM)
This conference offers a forum for discussions and exchange in the fields of Nanotechnology, Instrumentation, Environment, Optimization, Power, Energy and Control. Topics dealing with measurements and instrumentation, and correlated themes. The scope is not limited but expandable to applied interdisciplinary fields also. Sponsored by the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society with technical sponsorship by the Nanotechnology Council.

NANOfIM Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

9. IEEE International Conference on Design & Test of Integrated Micro & Nano-Systems (DTS)

The international conference on Design & Test of integrated micro & nano-Systems represents a scientific and technological event dedicated to integrated electronic systems which reach the nanoscale era. The interests of the conference cover all the aspects from the design to the test of micro and nano systems. DTS focuses on Systems Design & Technology, Systems Testing & Reliability, Nanotechnology and applications and VLSI IoT Devices.


DTS Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore

10. IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics (IEEE-NSENS)
IEEE-NSENS is a new conference series co-sponsored by the NTC to gather leaders and visionaries from industry and academia to disseminate their latest research results in intelligent micro and nanoscale sensing systems for applications in artificial intelligence (AI), healthcare, and robotics, including new scientific theories, computational algorithms, information technologies, and engineering techniques that enable the rapid development and integration of advanced sensing devices with robots, wearable health monitoring systems, the Internet, local or body networks, and intelligence systems. Unlike IEEE-NANO and IEEE-NEMS, which focus on disseminating work from micro/nano device fabrication and nanoscale science and engineering, IEEE-NSENS focuses on disseminating work related to system integration and consumer-related applications.

IEEE-NSENS Proceedings portal in IEEE Xplore