IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity



ExCom 2025:

Position Name Elected
Past-President Fabrizio Lombardi Y
President Jin-Woo Kim Y
President-Elect (elected in even years) Kremena Makasheva Y
Vice President for Conferences (term begins in odd years) John Yeow Y
Vice President-elect for Conferences (elected in odd years) Vacant Y
Vice-President for Educational Activities (term begins in even years) Luca Pierantoni Y
Vice-President-elect for Educational Activities (elected in even years) Georgios Sirakoulis Y
Vice President for Finances (terms begins in odd years) Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske Y
Vice President-elect for Finances (elected in odd years) N/A Y
Vice President for Publications (term begins in even years) Georgios Sirakoulis Y
Vice President-elect for Publications (elected in even years) Xiaoning Jiang Y
Vice President for Technical Activities (term begins in even years) Weiqiang Liu Y
Vice President-elect for Technical Activities (elected in even years) Jie Han Y
Secretary Edward G. Perkins Appointed

Officer & Member-at-Large Elections (changed as of 2022)

In even numbered years, the NTC AdCom at its Annual Meeting elects a President-elect who serves a one-year term at the beginning of the following January of the odd numbered year.  In even numbered years, the Immediate Past-President will perform the duties assigned to the President-elect.

In odd numbered years, the AdCom at its Annual Meeting shall elect a Vice-President-elect for Conferences and Vice-President-elect for Finances to serve their one-year terms (non-voting) at the beginning of the following January of even numbered years and then succeed to the role of Vice-President for a two-year term.

In even numbered years, the AdCom at its Annual Meeting shall elect a Vice-President-elect for Educational Activities, Vice-President-elect for Publications and Vice-President-elect for Technical Activities to serve their one-year terms (non-voting) at the beginning of the following January of odd numbered years and then succeed to the role of Vice-President for a two-year term.

The President and all Vice Presidents except the Vice-President for Finances serve one term. The Vice-President for Finances may be reelected.

Total time in office not to exceed eight years (4 terms), except Vice-President for Finances.

Up to three Members-at-Large are to be elected by the AdCom at its Annual Meeting from a slate of candidates in even years and up to three are elected in odd years. The term of the Member-at-Large is two years and the term limit for Member-at-Large is four consecutive years. The duties of Members-at-Large are to provide the Council with independent insights and positions that are in support of the global nanotechnology community, especially those involved in independent research, development and commercialization, to represent the Council positions and statements as needed to these global constituencies and to complete the specific tasks identified in their candidacy documents.


  • The Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee shall issue a call for nominations for elected positions at least 90 days in advance of the Annual Council AdCom meeting.
  • The Vice-President for Conferences, the Vice-President for Educational Activities, the Vice-President for Publications, the Vice-President for Technical Activities, and the Vice-President for Finances are chosen from current members of the AdCom or from those past members who have served as Member Society-appointed or ex-officio AdCom members within the previous five years.
  • The President-elect is chosen from AdCom members who have served as Officers of the Council within the previous five years.  If a candidate for President-elect cannot be found who meets this criterion, then candidates for President-elect may be chosen from the current Society-appointed members of AdCom or among those past members who have served as Society-appointed AdCom members within the previous five years.
  • An individual may not serve concurrently as both a Council officer and a Council Member Society representative.
  • Members-at-Large are chosen from those nominated who will provide the Council with independent insights and positions in support of the global nanotechnology community, independent research, development and commercialization. Up to three shall be elected each year.


You can download the latest NTC Nomination information package here.

Further details on the positions and duties prescribed can be found in the Council’s Constitution and Bylaws.