IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Women in Nanotechnology

Women in Nanotechnology

IEEE Nanotechnology Council – Women in Nanotechnology Committee

Women in Nanotechnology (WIN) welcomes all members within the nanotechnology community who represent or support women engineers and scientists in both academia and industry. WIN is about celebrating technical accomplishments of women within the various sub-disciplines of nanotechnology and providing mentorship, networking and collaboration opportunities for the younger generation of aspiring women.


  • Elevating the NTC WIN Committee Membership and value of WIN committee
  • Enhance the knowledge base by developing programs and activities by supporting TryNano and NTC TC activities.
  • Recognize women achievers by  outstanding achievements awards in IEEE Fields of Interest through IEEE NTC WIN Awards nominations
  • Organize sessions, workshops and forums at annual NTC conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIN.
  • Promote member grade advancement for women to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow.
  • Flagship events involving regional coordinators

Mission & Objectives aligned with IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)

  • WIE Mission: To facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in nanotechnology disciplines globally.
  • WIE Vision: This committee focuses on promoting women engineers and inspiring young girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a nanotechnology career.
  • WIE Pledge: Women in Nanotechnology Pledges with IEEE WIE to support diversity equity and inclusion,  which is beyond gender to ethnicity/age/etc. Supporting to break the bias.

2024-25 Chair: Noushin Nasiri

Facebook Page:
IEEE NTC Women in Nanotechnology

IEEE Nanotechnology Council – Women in Nanotechnology

Hashtags: #ieeentcwin

WIN Recent News & Activities: See this page.

Contact us using this form.

Apply to join the WIN committee by using the form below.


WIN Committee


Noushin Nasiri
Chair, NTC Women in Nanotechnology and Global IEEE WIE Representative
Stephen A. Okwiri
WIN Regional Coordinator (R8, Africa)
The Technical University of Kenya
Pawan Kumar
WIN Regional Coordinator (R10)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hybrid Nanodevice Research Group (HNRG), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore, MP, India.
Vanessa Pilati


Apply to Join IEEE NTC WIN Committee as Member:

    Women in Nanotechnology (WIN) is an IEEE Nanotechnology Council community focused on promoting women in nanotechnology. WIN is encouraging participation and identifying members of all genders who are interested in participating, volunteering, supporting or organizing events with the community. Also will add the members to the mailing list to receive the information of WIN activities.

    Name (required)

    First Name:
    Last Name:

    Affiliation (required):

    Title and Current Occupation:



    Email (required):

    IEEE Member? (required)

    NoYes If yes, Membership Number:

    If Yes, IEEE Region (1-10)

    IEEE NTC or other Chapter affiliation (if any):

    1. Technical interests/activities in nanotechnology. Up to 500 characters (50 words): (required)

    2. Please provide a brief biography including special skills you bring to the table etc. Up to 500 characters (50 words). (required)

    3. What are your interests (Multiple options): (required)

    Describe new initiative:

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Consent (required)

    I accept the IEEE Terms and Conditions and the IEEE Privacy Policy.

    The IEEE Nanotechnology Council will use the information you provided on this form to keep you informed. You can change your mind at any time by emailing to NTC. We will treat your information with respect.



    Contact WIN Chair

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