IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

DL Program

DL Program

IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program

The NTC’s Distinguished Lecturer (DL) program promotes the field of nanotechnology to the broad engineering and scientific community and to the public at large, by providing lecturers who are accomplished and eminent scholars in the areas of nanoscience and nanoengineering. Its parallel goal is to attract young engineers and researchers to the great societal potential and excitement of the field of nanotechnology.

Lectures given by the NTC’s DLs are meant to be public events given at local IEEE Sections and Chapters, or at public venues like universities, companies, high schools, and science fairs. Geographically the program is world-wide, reflecting the NTC’s three areas of activity (Asia/Pacific, Europe/Africa/Middle East, and the Americas).

Request a Lecture

IEEE Student Branches, NTC or member Society Chapters can request NTC Distinguished Lecturers (based on availability of funding). Conferences are excluded from using DL funding. Please contact the presenter directly to arrange for a presentation. View the list of Distinguished Lecturers.

About IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturers

Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) serve a one year term beginning on January 1st of the year immediately following their appointment, and may be reappointed for one additional year with the approval of the NTC Distinguished Lecturer Committee. DLs are expected to give a minimum of 2 lectures per year in order to be eligible for reappointment for a second year. A yearly budget is provided per DL to give lectures for NTC or member Society Chapters, based on the availability of funding through the NTC. If other funds are available they may be used to supplement NTC funding. DLs will fill out the NTC DL Event Application form once their presentation has been arranged to obtain approvals for funding. After the lecture, the DLs fill out the NTC DL Event Report form and submit their expenses using the IEEE Expense Report Procedure (using Concur).

Distinguished Lecturer Nominations

Candidates for DLs may be nominated by any current IEEE member (self-nominations are not accepted), using the IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturer Nomination Form. DLs are expected to give a minimum of 2 lectures per year as part of their commitment to serve. The NTC Distinguished Lecturer Committee reviews nominations and recommends DL candidate appointments for NTC ExCom approval. DL Nominations are submitted to the chair of the Distinguished Lecturer Committee by Oct. 1st, or other date as announced by the VP Educational Activities, using the form at the bottom of this page.

IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturer Committee

The Distinguished Lecturer Committee is chaired by the VP Educational Activities, responsible for soliciting and reviewing nominations. The Committee submits recommendations for individuals to serve as DLs to the NTC ExCom for official approval. The committee consists of six members – the Vice President of Educational Activities who serves as committee chair; the Vice-President-elect for Educational Activities (non-voting); the Chair of the Technical Activities Committee (Vice President of Technical Activities); the Chair of the Chapters and Regional Activities Committee; and two other members appointed by the Vice President of Educational Activities, who serve for a two year term (coincident with that of the VP Educational Activities). See NTC DL Policy.

NTC DL Nomination Submittal Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message (required)

    Attach the DL nomination form (required)