The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) has ten awards which are given yearly. Three are to recognize individuals, one is for best Chapter, one for the best paper published in the Transactions on Nanotechnology (T-NANO), one for the best-paper in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM), one for best PhD Thesis in nanotechnology, one for the best article published by the NTC over the past 10-25 years, one for best Technical Committee, and one for recognition of individual technical achievement in areas of nanotechnology represented by NTC technical committees (TCs).
For the awards, all nomination materials, including reference letters, must reach the appropriate award committee Chair by email by either the March 1st or October 1st deadline each year, as indicated in the Call for Nominations page. Anyone can nominate candidates for the awards evaluated by the NTC Awards Committee (i.e., the Pioneer, Early Career, Distinguished Service, and Chapter of the Year awards). Nominations for all other awards must come from individuals belonging to specific NTC groups and be submitted to the award nomination contact for each award. Self-nomination is not permitted for most awards, (but note that the Technical Committees (TCs) are encouraged to submit their annual reports as a form of self-nomination.)
All NTC awards are made in accordance with the professional and technical objectives of the IEEE as well as the community participation and involvement across all engineering disciplines from the NTC. Candidates for these awards must therefore satisfy these strictly engineering requirements as demonstrated by continuous and significant participation in IEEE activities to qualify for awardee status; only candidates who meet these requirements will be considered.
See the Call for Nominations page for details on the nomination and evaluation process and to download the forms. In all cases, the nominations and supporting documents are reviewed by an Awards Evaluation Committee.
Nominees must be IEEE members, (except for the T-NANO and INM Best Paper Awards.) The NTC Award Eligibility and Selection processes comply with the procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations, which require that previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements.
Conflict of Interest (COI) concerns must be disclosed and addressed in accordance with IEEE Policies 9.9 A, B. and C. Any real and perceived COI shall be avoided. Anyone with a COI shall recuse themselves from nominating, endorsing, discussing, and evaluating. Individuals serving on any board or committee involved at any stage of the recipient selection or approval process for an award shall be ineligible to receive, or act as a nominator or reference for that award.
Presentation. All awards are presented by the NTC President (or his/her delegate) at the Award Ceremony at the annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) banquet (except for Best Chapter.) Early Career and Pioneer Awardees must attend and other Awardees (or at least one representative for group awards) are expected to attend to receive their award, but no travel or accommodation support is provided. (In unusual circumstances, the award can be deferred for one year or might be awarded by mutual agreement at the IEEE Nano-Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) instead.)
Brief descriptions of the NTC awards are given below. See the Call for Nominations page for more specific details of the individual awards, evaluation procedures and to download the nomination forms. The specific award information in the Call for Nominations page take precedence over the general information above and brief descriptions below in the event of any contradictions.
1. PIONEER AWARD IN NANOTECHNOLOGY (established in 2005)
Description: The NTC Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree on the nomination deadline date. Up to two awards may be given per year. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations. The NTC Awards Committee will review the proposed candidates for selection of the awardee(s).
The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
Submission of nominations: October 1 of any year
Note: no self-nominations
Committee’s award recommendation(s): October 31
Notification to awardee(s): Q1 in succeeding year
Description: The Nanotechnology Council has established an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology. Up to two awards may be given per year. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations. The NTC Awards Committee will review the proposed candidates for selection of the awardee(s).
The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
Submission of nominations: October 1 of any year
Note: no self-nominations
Committee’s award recommendation(s): October 31
Notification to awardee(s): Q1 in succeeding year
3. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD (established in 2005)
Description: Nanotechnology Council to establish a Distinguished Service Award to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of Nanotechnology Council. The NTC Awards Committee will review the proposed candidates for selection of the awardee.
The award consists of $1000 honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
Submission of nominations: October 1 of any year
Note: no self-nominations
Committee’s award recommendation(s): October 31
Notification to awardee(s): Q1 in succeeding year
4. CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD (established in 2012)
Description. The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Chapter of the Year Award is intended to encourage a successful and effective overall performance of the Chapter in terms of its activities. Exemplary Chapters must have a high number of activities and creativity. The Chapter must consistently be active in organizing activities throughout the year. Nominations may be made by any full IEEE member, or by a representative of the nominee chapter. The NTC Awards Committee will review the proposed candidates for selection of the awardee.
All existing/established NTC Chapters (including Student Chapters) are eligible for this award, except the previous year’s winner.
The award consists of $500 and a certificate, to be presented at a mutually agreed venue.
Submission of nominations: October 1 of any year
Committee’s award recommendation(s): October 31
Notification to awardee(s): November 30th
5. T-NANO PAPER OF THE YEAR AWARD (established in 2009)
Description. At the beginning of each year, T-NANO selects a paper that appeared in the Transactions during the previous calendar year for its Best Paper Award. Candidate papers are nominated by members of the T-NANO Editorial Board. Evaluation is done by members of the Senior Editors Panel, with criteria including technical merit, originality, potential impact on the field, clarity of presentation, and practical significance for applications.
The award includes a certificate for each of the co-authors, and a check of $1000 to be divided among the co-authors.
Submission of nominations: March 1 of any year
Note: Nominations by members of the T-NANO Editorial Board ONLY
Selection of award paper made by committee: April 1
Notification to awardee(s): May 15
6. NTC MAGAZINE BEST-PAPER AWARD (established in 2022)
Description. This award recognizes on a yearly basis a highly influential and impactful article of the highest quality published in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine in the preceding 2 calendar years. (For example, the 2023 award recognizes a paper published in 2021, 2022.) Any current member of the editorial board or past member within the last 3 years can submit a nomination for this award. Self-nominations are not allowed. The awardee will be selected by a committee appointed by the NTC President. The Committee Chair is appointed by the NTC President with recommendation from the NTC VP of Publications; members of the Committee are appointed by the Chair with approval by the NTC President.
Prize. Total honorarium of $500 equally split between the co-authors and a certificate to each. No travel allowance is provided.
Submission of nominations: March 1 of any year.
Note: Nominations accepted from any current or past member of the INM Editorial Board
Selection of award paper made by committee: April 1
Notification to awardee(s): May 15
7. NTC TEST-OF-TIME PUBLICATION AWARD (established in 2022)
Description. This award recognizes on a yearly basis a highly influential, widely visible and impactful article of the highest quality appeared in any Nanotechnology Council managed journal/magazine and financially sponsored conference proceedings over at least 10 years but not more than the last 25 years. Any member of the editorial board of any Nanotechnology Council publication within the last 25 years can submit a nomination for this award. Self-nominations are not allowed. The awardee will be selected by a committee composed of the Chair and 3 members. The Chair is recommended by the NTC VP of Publications and then approved by the NTC President; members of the committee are recommended by the Chair and then approved by the NTC President.
Prize: Total honorarium of $1,000 equally split between the co-authors and a certificate to each.
Submission of nominations: March 1 of any year.
Note: Nominations from any Editorial Board member of any NTC publication within the last 25 years ONLY. No self-nominations
Selection of award paper made by committee: April 1
Notification to awardee(s): May 15
Description. This award recognizes on a yearly basis the best PhD thesis in nanotechnology; this award recognizes a thesis with remarkable technology innovation or excellence and the thesis should have led to publications in NTC venues including journals and conferences. Any member with no conflict of interest (i.e. advisor-advisee relationship) with any member of the NTC ExCom, NTC Educational Committee, or Technical Committees can submit a nomination for this award. The awardee will be selected by a committee composed of the Chair and 3 members. The Chair is appointed by the NTC President with recommendation from the VP of Educational Activities. The Chair appoints the committee members with approval by the NTC President.
Prize: Total honorarium of $500 and a certificate.
Submission of nominations: March 1 of any year
Note: Nominations from any member of the NTC ExCom, Educational Committee or Technical Committees with no Conflict of Interest (e.g., advisor-advisee relationship) ONLY. No self-nominations.
Selection of thesis made by committee: April 1
Notification to awardee: May 15
9. NTC TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (established in 2022)
Description. This award recognizes on a yearly basis, individuals with outstanding and innovative contributions to the different areas of nanotechnology that are represented by technical committees (TCs) as organizational entities of the Nanotechnology Council (NTC), usually within the past 10 and not more than 15 years. Any member of the NTC Technical Activity Committee (TAC) in the last 3 years (where the nomination’s year is counting as the first of the last 3 years) can submit a nomination to the Award Committee for this award, except self-nominations are not allowed. The awardee(s) will be selected by a committee composed of the Chair and 3 members. The Chair is recommended by the NTC VP of Technical Activities and then approved by the NTC President; members of the committee are recommended by the Chair and then approved by the NTC President.
Prize. Up to 3 awards will be presented each year. Each award consists of an honorarium of $500 and a certificate. No travel allowances is provided.
Submission of nominations: March 1 of any year
Note: Nominations from any member of the NTC Technical Activities Committee within the last three years (including the nomination year) ONLY. No self-nominations.
Selection of thesis made by committee: April 1
Notification to awardee: May 15
10. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE AWARD (established in 2018)
Each year the Council will provide an award for the best Technical Committee (TC) for the prior year.
The assessment should be over a year of work. Moreover, the recognition should reflect the work pertaining to the preceding year. E.g., the committees 2018 work will be used to choose an Awardee at the beginning of 2019. The Award will be approved by the Council Excom at its first meeting of the year. A TC may apply for the Award by submitting the Award for Technical Committees Application Form to the Technical Activities Award Chair.
The TC Awardee is chosen by a committee appointed by the VP Technical Activities. The TC Award Evaluation Committee is comprised of the Technical Activities Awards Chair and 2 chairs of NTC-financially supported conferences.
The awardee recognition may take the form of one of the following:
- Hotel support for 2 TC Leaders/member for 4 nights at IEEE NANO Conference
- IEEE NANO registration fee for 2 TC leaders/members
- $1200 to $1500 for the recognized TC to spend on NTC conference support for its member(s)
Submission of nominations from TCs: December 15th of any year
Selection of award recipient made by committee: February 1
Notification to awardee(s): March 15