2023 Awardees
2023 Individual Awards will be presented at IEEE NANO 2023 in Jeju Island, Korea.
Pioneer Award
The Pioneer Award recognizes individuals who have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering.
Professor Xiangfeng Duan, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Los Angeles
“For pioneering contribution to the synthesis and integration of nanoscale materials and devices, especially van der Waals heterostructures and devices.”
Early Career Award
The Early Career Award recognizes individuals who have made contributions with a major impact on the field of nanotechnology.
Professor Deep Jariwala, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
“For breakthrough contributions in logic, memory and photonic devices from low-dimensional semiconductors.”
Chapter of the Year Award
University of Saskatchewan IEEE Nanotechnology Council Student Branch Chapter
Chair: José Alvim Berkenbrock
“For outstanding performance during adverse times and innovative and collaborative initiatives that
engaged nanotechnology experts and IEEE volunteers”
2023 TC Award
TC-16 (Quantum, Neuromorphic, and Unconventional Computing).
Chair: Giovanni Finocchio, University of Messina, Italy
NTC Best PhD Thesis Award In Nanotechnology
This award recognizes a thesis with remarkable technology innovation or excellence and the thesis should have led to publications in NTC venues including journals and conferences.
Chuanzhen Zhao, Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University
“For developing and applying nanoscale tools critical to chemical sensing for the BRAIN Initiative, with further applications in wearable sensors”.