Call for Award Nominations
The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) gives several awards yearly. Six are for individuals, two for the best papers published in the Transactions on Nanotechnology (T-NANO) and the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM), one is for the best Chapter, and one for the best Technical Committee.
Nomination for Awards Evaluated by the NTC Awards Committee:
A. Individual Awards information
B. Chapter Award information
C. Contact NTC Awards Chair
Nomination for Awards Evaluated by Specified NTC Award Committees:
D. Best PhD Thesis Award information
E. Publication Awards information
F. Technical Awards information
General Information about NTC Awards
For the awards, all nomination materials, including reference letters, must reach the appropriate awards committee Chair by email by either the March 1st or October 1st deadline, as indicated for each award, each year. Self-nomination is not permitted for most awards.
For the awards evaluated by the NTC Awards Committee, (i.e., the Pioneer, Early Career, Distinguished Service, and Chapter of the Year awards), anyone can nominate candidates.
Nominations for all other awards must come from individuals belonging to specific NTC groups or activities and be submitted to the award nomination contact for each award.
Nominees must be IEEE members, (except for the T-NANO and IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM) Best Paper Awards.) The NTC Award Eligibility and Selection processes comply with the procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations, which require that previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements. (IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.) In some cases, the nominee must (also) be a NTC “participant.”
In all cases, the nominations and supporting documents are reviewed by an Awards Evaluation Committee. The Chair and committee members must be IEEE members and have the highest professional qualifications (preferably IEEE Fellow status). Additionally, committee compositions must reflect geographic, gender and technical diversity, (“technical” as per the NTC areas of interest.) In general, the Committee Chair is appointed by the President, with advice from the appropriate Vice-President, (Publications, Technical Activities or Education,) or the Nominations & Appointments Chair (for the NTC Awards Committee.) The Evaluation Committee chairs then form the committees with Presidential approval. These committees generally consist of the Chair plus three members, governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order. Specifically, two constitutes a quorum and the Chair has no vote unless by secret ballot or if the vote can change the outcome. Term limits for both committee members and chairs are one year, renewable for a second year at most, (except for the NTC Awards Committee.)
Conflict of Interest (COI) concerns must be disclosed and addressed in accordance with IEEE Policies 9.9 A, B. and C. Any real and perceived COI shall be avoided. Anyone with a COI shall recuse themselves from nominating, endorsing, discussing, and evaluating. Individuals serving on any board or committee involved at any stage of the recipient selection or approval process for an award shall be ineligible to receive, or act as a nominator or reference for that award. NTC Executive Committee (ExCom) members cannot serve on Award Evaluation Committees, or participate in the final ExCom approval discussion of any award for which they were the nominator, provided a reference, or are a potential recipient, in accordance with these COI rules.
The Evaluation Committee procedures follow. Each member of the Committee evaluates each nomination on all criteria specified for the award on the basis of the importance and relevance to nanotechnology-based communities across the entire nanotechnology field. The range of the score by each member of the committee is from 0 to 5. The Chair generates a scoring table (with averages) for each nomination to be distributed to the members of the Committee. The Committee considers the scoring table of each nomination and ranks the top 3 candidates by majority decision. (The Committee Chair does not vote, except to break ties.) Upon completion of this process, the Committee Chair sends the ranked list to the NTC ExCom for its consideration and final approval of the award at its Spring (February or May) or Fall (November) meeting.
Presentation. All awards are presented by the NTC President (or his/her delegate) at the Award Ceremony at the annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) banquet (except for Best Chapter.) Early Career and Pioneer Awardees must attend and other Awardees (or at least one representative for group awards) are expected to attend to receive their award, but no travel or accommodation support is provided. (In unusual circumstances, the award might be the award can be deferred for one year or awarded by mutual agreement at the IEEE Nano-Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) instead.)
All nomination materials, including reference letters, must reach the NTC Awards Committee by October 1st each year. Nominations are active for two years.
Nominees must be IEEE members.
Download Individual Nomination Form
Description: The Nanotechnology Council Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree on the nomination deadline date.
Eligibility: Any current member of the IEEE working in the field of nanotechnology who is at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree. (Unsuccessful nominations are automatically reconsidered in the following year.)
Employment of Candidates: The Council may grant two awards in this category, if the Awards Committee determines that the nominations are worthy. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.
Prize Items: The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
Presentation: Award is presented by the NTC President (or his/her delegate) at the Award Ceremony at the annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO). Awardee is required to deliver a Plenary talk at NANO.
Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Distinction in long-term technical achievement, leadership, innovation, breadth, and impact on nanotechnology and engineering.
Description: The Nanotechnology Council has established an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology.
Eligibility: Any current member of the IEEE who is in the early stage of his or her career in the nanotechnology field, i.e., less than 7 years after being granted his or her highest earned academic degree on the nomination deadline date.
Employment of Candidates: The Council may grant two awards in this category, if the Awards Committee determines that the nominations are worthy. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.
Prize Items: The award consists of $1000 ($500 each if two awards are made) honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
Presentation: Award is presented by the NTC President (or his/her delegate) at the Award Ceremony at the annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO). Awardee is required to deliver a Keynote talk at NANO.
Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Distinction in technical innovation and achievement, and impact on nanotechnology and engineering.
Description: The Nanotechnology Council established the Distinguished Service Award to recognize an individual who has performed outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of Nanotechnology Council.
Eligibility: Any current or former member of IEEE Nanotechnology Council with outstanding service in one or more of the following areas: conferences and meetings, publications, editors, administrative committee, chapter leadership, or other distinguished services and activities for the Nanotechnology Council.
Prize Items: The award consists of $1,000 honorarium and a commemorative plaque.
Selection/Basis for Judging: Factors that will be considered are: Impact of service and contributions to the Council, leadership, innovation, activity, duration, breadth of participation and cooperation
All nomination materials must reach the NTC Awards Committee by October 1st each year.
Nominations may be made by any full IEEE member, or by a representative of the nominee chapter.
Download Chapter Nomination Form
Description. The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Chapter of the Year Award is intended to encourage a successful and effective overall performance of the Chapter in terms of its activities. Exemplary Chapters must have a high number of activities and creativity. The Chapter must consistently be active in organizing activities throughout the year.
Eligibility. All existing/established IEEE-NTC Chapters are eligible for this award.
Prize Items. The award consists of $500 and a certificate.
Selection/Basis for Judging. The award is based on the best yearly activities in the categories of Chapter-sponsored technical activities, seminars, workshops, conferences, visits etc. Other key requirements of the award are:
* Timely updates and reporting of Chapter officers and activities
* Minimum of (4) meetings/programs during the year
* Maintain an up-to-date Chapter Web site
Other activities may include:
* Engagement with student activities
* Joint activities with other member society chapters
* Chapter visits to local industry/institutions
* Member advancement/recognition
* Membership growth efforts
Individual and Chapter awards will be announced after Nov. 30th each year, and will be presented at a mutually agreed venue, e.g., the annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (sponsored by NTC).
C. For further information, please contact the Awards Committee Chair:
Wen J. Li
Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy)
Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering
City University of Hong Kong SAR
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