IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Posts Tagged ‘RFP Host Proposals’

Call for Proposals for Future Site for IEEE NMDC 2026

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024

Initial Proposal Deadline: 30 April 2024  June 30, 2024

The IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE-NMDC) aims to develop critical assessment of existing work and future directions in nanotechnology research from every sector in the nanotechnology research field, with a special focus on materials and devices. NMDC 2024 will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Past locations of the NMDC have been in Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore), USA (California, Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska, Portland), Canada (Vancouver, BC) and Europe (Italy, France, Sweden). NMDC typically runs between mid-September and mid-October, with the later dates preferred since IEEE NANO runs in the first half of July.

We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NMDC 2026 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Africa/ Middle East). For conference history, visit

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NMDC 2026 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on the initial proposal at the NTC ExCom and AdCom meetings in July 2024 held at IEEE-NANO 2024 in Gijon, Spain. Final proposals are due in October for presentation at the Fall NTC ExCom meeting.

Initial proposals should be prepared in PowerPoint presentation format. An NTC Conference Proposal Guidelines and a PPT template are available upon request. Proposals should cover:

  • Venue: City (or nearby city for rural locations); visitor access (e.g., daily flights,) with typical travel costs; hotel costs (including wi-fi, breakfast, etc.); tourist information
  • Facilities: Hotel or campus venue if known (with verification of availability for formal proposals); lecture theater and meal capacities
  • Personnel: General Chair(s), Program Chair(s), Treasurer, other volunteer personnel (e.g., program/advisory committees), and any administrative staff or management company
  • Budget information:
    • For informal proposals: Target registration rates, estimated number of attendees, estimated income (registration, tutorials, exhibition, grants/donations, etc.), estimated expenses (meals/receptions/breaks, administrative costs, etc.), other features of interest. Please prepare and submit two version of the budget: one corresponding to the expected number of attendees (typically ~200 – 250) and a second one for 100 attendees less. This request is related to risk evaluation.
    • For formal proposals: As above, but with more detail covering all budgeted income and expenses in the required IEEE NetSuite spreadsheet format. Note that the (Income-Expense)/Expense ratio must be at least 20%, in accordance with IEEE policy.

Formal proposals must be e-mailed prior to the appropriate deadline to: NTC Vice-President for Conferences Kremena Makasheva ( with copies to Ed Perkins, NTC Secretary (

Contact Kremena Makasheva, ( with any questions.

Call for Proposals for Future Sites for IEEE-NANO 2026 and IEEE NMDC 2025

Tuesday, July 18th, 2023

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for
future sites for IEEE-NANO 2026 and IEEE NMDC 2025

A. Call for proposals for future site for IEEE-NANO 2026

Initial Proposal Deadline: 1 October 2023

The IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) is the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology conference. The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaerials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterization and modelling of nano structures and devices. NANO 2023 was held in Jeju Island, Korea. Recent conferences were in the Balearic Islands, Spain (2022), Macau (2019), Cork (2018), Pittsburgh (2017), Sendai (2016), Rome (2015), and Toronto (2014). NANO 2020 and 2021 were held virtually due to the pandemic. NANO typically runs between early- to mid-July. We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NANO 2026 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 10 (Asia & Pacific).

For conference history, visit

Initial Proposal deadline: 1 October 2023

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NANO 2026 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on their initial proposal at the Fall NTC Conference Committee meeting, and a complete proposal at the NTC Excom and AdCom meetings in July 2024 held at IEEE-NANO 2024 in Gijon, Spain.


Call for Proposals for Future Site for IEEE NMDC 2025

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023

Call for Proposals for Future Site for IEEE NMDC 2025

Initial Proposal Deadline: 30 April 2023

The IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE-NMDC) aims to develop critical assessment of existing work and future directions in nanotechnology research from every sector in the nanotechnology research field, with a special focus on materials and devices. NMDC 2023 will be held in Paestum, Italy. Past locations of the NMDC have been in Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore), USA (California, Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska, Portland), Canada (Vancouver, BC) and Europe (Sicily, France, Stockholm). NMDC typically runs between mid-September and mid-October, with the later dates preferred since IEEE NANO runs in late July.

We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NMDC 2025 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 10 (Asia and Pacific). For conference history, visit

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NMDC 2025 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on the initial proposal at the NTC Excom and AdCom meetings in July 2023 held at IEEE-NANO 2023 in Jeju Island, Korea. Final proposals are due in October for presentation at the Fall NTC Excom meeting.


Initial proposals should be prepared in PowerPoint presentation format. An NTC Conference Proposal Guidelines and a PPT template are available upon request. Proposals should cover:

  • Venue: City (or nearby city for rural locations); visitor access (e.g., daily flights,) with typical travel costs; hotel costs (including wi-fi, breakfast, etc.); tourist information
  • Facilities: Hotel or campus venue if known (with verification of availability for formal proposals); lecture theater and meal capacities
  • Personnel: General Chair(s), Program Chair(s), Treasurer, other volunteer personnel (e.g., program/advisory committees), if known, and any administrative staff or management company
  • Budget information:
    • For informal proposals: Target registration rates, estimated number of attendees, estimated income (registration, tutorials, exhibition, grants/donations, etc.), estimated expenses (meals/receptions/breaks, administrative costs, etc.), other features of interest.
    • For formal proposals: As above, but with more detail covering all budgeted income and expenses in the required IEEE NetSuite spreadsheet format. Note that the (Income-Expense)/Expense ratio must be at least 20%, in accordance with IEEE policy.

Formal proposals must be e-mailed prior to the appropriate deadline to: NTC Vice-President for Conferences Kremena Makasheva ( with copies to Ed Perkins, NTC Secretary (

Contact Kremena Makasheva, ( with any questions.


Call for Proposals for Future Sites for IEEE-NANO 2025 and IEEE NMDC 2025

Monday, April 4th, 2022

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for
future sites for IEEE-NANO 2025 and IEEE NMDC 2025

A. Call for proposals for future site for IEEE-NANO 2025

Initial Proposal Deadline: 30 May 2022

The IEEE Nanotechnology Conference (IEEE-NANO) is the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology conference. The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaerials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterization and modelling of nano structures and devices. NANO 2021 was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but NANO 2022 is being held in the Balearic Islands, Spain and NANO 2023 in Jeju Island, Korea. Recent conferences were in Macau (2019), Cork (2018), Pittsburgh (2017), Sendai (2016), Rome (2015), and Toronto (2014). NANO 2020 and 2021 were held virtually due to the pandemic. NANO typically runs between mid- to late-July. We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NANO 2025 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 1-7 (North America) or 9 (South & Central America) .

For conference history, visit

Initial Proposal deadline: 30 May 2022

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NANO 2025 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on the initial proposal at the NTC Excom and AdCom meetings in July 2022 held at IEEE-NANO 2022 in Mallorca, Spain. Final proposals are due in October for presentation at the the Fall NTC Excom meeting.


Call for Proposals – IEEE NMDC 2024

Monday, October 25th, 2021

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for siting IEEE-NMDC 2024 Conference

[Deadline Extended!] Initial Proposal Deadline: 30 November 2021

The IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE-NMDC) aims to develop critical assessment of existing work and future directions in nanotechnology research from every sector in the nanotechnology research field, with a special focus on materials and devices. NMDC 2021 will be held in Vancouver, Canada, NMDC 2022 in Nanjing, China and NMDC 2023 in Paestum, Italy. Past locations of the NMDC have been in Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore), USA (California, Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska, Portland), and Europe (Sicily, France, Stockholm). NMDC typically runs between mid-September and mid-October, with the later dates preferred since IEEE NANO runs in late July.

We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NMDC 2024 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 1-7 (North America) or Region 9 (South & Central America).

For conference history, visit

Initial Proposal deadline:
30 November 2021

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NMDC 2024 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on the initial proposal at the online NTC ExCom meeting in December 2021.


Call for Proposals for 2024 Conferences – IEEE-NANO and IEEE NMDC

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for a future sites for IEEE-NANO 2024 and IEEE NMDC 2024

A. Call for proposals for a future sites for IEEE-NANO 2024

Initial Proposal Deadline: 30 June 2021

The IEEE Nanotechnology Conference (IEEE-NANO) is the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology conference. The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaerials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterization and modelling of nano structures and devices. NANO 2021 will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but NANO 2022 in Balearic Islands, Spain and NANO 2023 in Jeju Island, Korea. Recent conferences were in Macau (2019), Cork (2018), Pittsburgh (2017), Sendai (2016), Rome (2015), and Toronto (2014). NANO 2020 was held virtually due to the pandemic. NANO typically runs between mid- to late-July. We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NANO 2024 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Africa and Middle East).

For conference history, visit

Initial Proposal deadline: 30 June 2021

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NANO 2024 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on the initial proposal at the online NTC Excom and Adcom meetings in July 2021.



Initial proposals should be prepared in Power Point presentation format. NTC Conference Proposal Guidelines and a PPT template are available upon request. Proposals should cover:

  • Venue: City (or nearby city for rural locations); visitor access (e.g., daily flights,) with typical travel costs; hotel costs (including wi-fi, breakfast, etc.); tourist information
  • Facilities: Hotel or campus venue if known (with verification of availability for formal proposals); lecture theater and meal capacities
  • Personnel: General Chair(s), Program Chair(s), Treasurer, other volunteer personnel (e.g., program/advisory committees), if known, and any administrative staff or management company
  • Budget information:
    • For informal proposals: Target registration rates, estimated number of attendees, estimated income (registration, tutorials, exhibition, grants/donations, etc.), estimated expenses (meals/receptions/breaks, administrative costs, etc.), other features of interest.
    • For formal proposals: As above, but with more detail covering all budgeted income and expenses in the required IEEE NetSuite spreadsheet format. Note that the (Income-Expense)/Expense ratio must be at least 20%, in accordance with IEEE policy.

Formal proposals must be e-mailed prior to the appropriate deadline to: NTC Vice-President for Conferences Jin-Woo Kim, ( with copies to Ed Perkins, NTC Secretary (

Contact Jin-Woo Kim, ( with any questions.


B. Call for proposals for a future site for IEEE-NMDC 2024

Initial Proposal Deadline: 30 June 2021

The IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (IEEE-NMDC) aims to develop critical assessment of existing work and future directions in nanotechnology research from every sector in the nanotechnology research field, with a special focus on materials and devices. NMDC 2021 will be held in Vancouver, Canada, NMDC 2022 in Nanjing, China and NMDC 2023 in Paestum, Italy. Past locations of the NMDC have been in Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore), USA (California, Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska, Portland), and Europe (Sicily, France, Stockholm). NMDC typically runs between mid-September and mid-October, with the later dates preferred since IEEE NANO runs in late July.

We are now seeking proposals for IEEE-NMDC 2024 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 1-7 (North America) or 9 (South & Central America).

For conference history, visit

Initial Proposal deadline:
30 June 2021

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NMDC 2024 will be expected to present a 5-10 minute “Proposal in Preparation” based on the initial proposal at the online NTC Excom and Adcom meetings in July 2021.



Initial proposals should be prepared in Power Point presentation format. An NTC Conference Proposal Guidelines and a PPT template are available upon request. Proposals should cover:

  • Venue: City (or nearby city for rural locations); visitor access (e.g., daily flights,) with typical travel costs; hotel costs (including wi-fi, breakfast, etc.); tourist information
  • Facilities: Hotel or campus venue if known (with verification of availability for formal proposals); lecture theater and meal capacities
  • Personnel: General Chair(s), Program Chair(s), Treasurer, other volunteer personnel (e.g., program/advisory committees), if known, and any administrative staff or management company
  • Budget information:
    • For informal proposals: Target registration rates, estimated number of attendees, estimated income (registration, tutorials, exhibition, grants/donations, etc.), estimated expenses (meals/receptions/breaks, administrative costs, etc.), other features of interest.
    • For formal proposals: As above, but with more detail covering all budgeted income and expenses in the required IEEE NetSuite spreadsheet format. Note that the (Income-Expense)/Expense ratio must be at least 20%, in accordance with IEEE policy.

Formal proposals must be e-mailed prior to the appropriate deadline to: NTC Vice-President for Conferences Jin-Woo Kim, ( with copies to Ed Perkins, NTC Secretary (

Contact Jin-Woo Kim, ( with any questions.


Call for Proposals for Future IEEE NTC Sponsored Conference Sites

Thursday, April 30th, 2020

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for future sites for IEEE NMDC 2022 and 2023.

Deadline 30 June 2020

The IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC) aims to develop critical assessment of existing work and future directions in nanotechnology research from every sector in the nanotechnology research field, with a special focus on materials and devices. NMDC 2020 will be held in Nanjing, China, and NMDC 2021 in Vancouver, Canada. Past locations of the NMDC have been in Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore), USA (California, Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska, Portland), and Europe (Sicily, France, Stockholm). NMDC typically runs between mid-September and mid-October, with the later dates preferred since IEEE NANO runs in late July.

We are now seeking proposals for IEEE NMDC 2022 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 9 (South & Central America) for the first time, and for IEEE NMDC 2023 which is expected to run in IEEE Region 8 (Europe & Africa.) This Call for Proposals is a year earlier than usual for NMDC 2023 to give organizers more planning time than in the past.

For conference history, visit

Early indication of an intention to submit a proposal is strongly recommended. Candidates for NMDC 2022 and 2023 will be expected to present an informal 5-10 minute “Proposal in preparation” at the online NTC Excom and Adcom meetings in July 2020.

Proposal deadline:
30 June 2020 for both NMDC 2022 and NMDC 2023.


Call for Proposals Extended – Future Sites for IEEE NANO 2022!

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for future sites for IEEE NANO 2022!

Extended Deadline 15 January 2020


The annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology is the NTC’s flagship event. The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaterials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterisation and modelling of nano structures and devices. Research in both experiments and simulation is reported. Industry is encouraged to present its research projects. NANO 2019 and 2020 will be held in Macau, China; Montreal Canada; respectively.

We are now seeking proposals for NANO 2022 which is expected to run in IEEE Regions 10 (Asia). NANO should be run at the end of July, preferably in the last week.


Call for Proposals for Future IEEE NTC Conference Sites

Tuesday, August 20th, 2019


The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for future sites for IEEE NANO 2022 and for IEEE NMDC 2021.

Extended Deadline October  15


The annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology is the NTC’s flagship event. The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaterials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterisation and modelling of nano structures and devices. Research in both experiments and simulation is reported. Industry is encouraged to present its research projects. NANO 2019 and 2020 will be held in Macau, China; Montreal Canada; respectively.

We are now seeking proposals for NANO 2022 which is expected to run in IEEE Regions 10 (Asia). NANO should be run at the end of July, preferably in the last week.


Call for Proposals for Future IEEE NTC Sponsored Conference Sites

Friday, May 18th, 2018


The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is calling for proposals for future sites for IEEE NANO 2021 and for IEEE NMDC 2020.

Deadlines extended to 2-Nov


The annual IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology is the NTC’s flagship event. The conference scope covers a wide range in nanoscience and technology. In particular, it covers nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanomaerials, nanobiomedicine, nanoenergy, nanoplasmonics, nanoelectronics, nanosensors and nanoactuators, characterisation and modelling of nano structures and devices. Research in both experiments and simulation is reported. Industry is encouraged to present its research projects. NANO 2018, 2019 and 2020 will be held in Cork, Ireland; Macau, China; Montreal Canada respectively.
