The NTC TA are currently developed in 15 TCs, covering almost all scientific areas of interest to the NTC. The role of each NTC TC is to serve as a focal point for research in a specific area. The actions undertaken by each NTC TC are developed by its Members under the leadership of Chair/Co-Chairs. Each NTC TC is created for a 4-year term and can be renewed by the NTC AdCom after a progress report and evaluation. Recently the Chairs of two of the NTC TCs have been reformed. For a full list of NTC’s 2020 Technical Committee, click here.
It is our pleasure to announce the new Chairs of the NTC TC6 Nanoelectronics, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, and the NTC TC8 Nanomaterials, Dominique Baillargeat. On behalf of the NTC TAC, I would like to thank them for taking these responsibilities and wish them a very successful leadership.
TC6 – Nanoelectronics
Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske
Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the VLSI & Emerging Technology Design Automation Laboratory at Portland State University. From 2004 to 2010 she was Chair of the ECE department at PSU, which she joined in 1989. She holds M.S. degree in electronics engineering from Politechnika Warszawska Warsaw, Poland, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
Her research interests include CAD for VLSI ICs, MS-SOCs, 3D ICs, nanotechnology and nano/bio systems, design for manufacturability and design issues in emerging and renewable technologies. She has presented tutorials, keynote and invited talks at various international conferences and events. She has published more than 150 technical papers and serves as a panelist and reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF), and as a reviewer for National Research Council Canada (NRC) and many international journals and conferences. Her research has been supported by the NSF and industry.
Dr. Chrzanowska-Jeske has served in various roles on the Technical, Steering, and Organizing Committees of many international conferences and workshops, as Associate Editor for TCAS II, Senior Editor, Associate Editor and Guest Editor of various international journals. Currently, she serves as Vice President for Finances of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) and on Editorial Board of Nano Express, IOP Publishing. She served as IEEE NTC Vice President for Technical Activities and on BoG of IEEE CASS. She was a chair and a founding-member of Women in CAS Society, WiCAS. She presented keynote, plenary and tutorial lectures at various international conferences. She received 2008 Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award in IEEE TCAD and the Best Paper Award for the best IEEE Transaction paper in Alabama Section in 1990 She is a Life Senior Member of IEEE.
TC8 – Nanomaterials
Dominique Baillargeat
Dominique BAILLARGEAT (52) is Senior Member IEEE and was IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer in 2018 and 2019. He is Professor at the University of Limoges (France). Since September 2019, he is appointed as Scientific Executive Director of the CNRS@CREATE Ltd, in the framework of the Campus for Research And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) of the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore. CNRS@CREATE Ltd, which is CNRS’ first overseas subsidiary, will work with Singapore’s universities, research institutions, and CREATE’s international partners to conduct research and application of technologies in areas that are relevant to Singapore’s social and economic needs.
From September 2013 to August 2019 he was the Director of XLIM a joint research institute of 460 members of CNRS and University of Limoges. He was also the Director of the Lab of Excellence
SIGMA_LIM, a 8 years project, on innovative materials, technologies and software architectures dedicated to the future smart and highly integrated communication systems. From September 2009 to August 2013 he was the Director of the research laboratory CINTRA in Singapore, a joint lab. between the CNRS, NTU and Thales. The vision of this framework is to develop nanotechnologies for electronics.
D Baillargeat has done lot of research activities on the design of passive RF devices and on innovative packaging solutions for 3D heterogeneous integration. His research work is in the following areas: (1) EM modelling and design of RF components and modules, (2) 2D/3D additive manufacturing processes (3) nano-modelling and nano-characterization techniques for assisting the development of carbon-based devices (solutions for RF nanopackaging (interconnect), RF components, sensors, etc.) Prof D Baillargeat have been involved in many projects (past and present) either as XLIM scientific responsible or collaborator through fundings from the French Research Agency, European Community, ESA, CNES or with industrial partners (Thales, EADS etc..). He has been the advisor of 33 graduated PhD students. D Baillargeat co-authored more than 80 articles in international journals and books, and 200 communications in international conferences.