IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Archive for the ‘Nano News’ Category

$10 million KidneyX Artificial Kidney Prize

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

KidneyX launches Artificial Kidney Prize to radically transform kidney care

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) have launched the KidneyX Artificial Kidney Prize, a competition to accelerate the development of artificial kidneys toward human clinical trials. This multiphase competition is KidneyX’s first fully dedicated effort toward artificial kidney advancement, with initial phases offering up to $10 million in prizes.

The Artificial Kidney Prize builds on past KidneyX competitions but is distinct in its goal: to accelerate the development of continuous kidney replacement therapies that provide transformational treatment options beyond current dialysis methods. Artificial kidneys may be wearable, implantable, bioengineered, developed as a xenotransplant or chimera organ, or other approaches not yet conceived.

The Artificial Kidney Prize is open to both U.S. and international entrants, subject to eligibility requirements.  Innovators across expertise disciplines — including bioengineering, nanotechnology, materials science, regenerative medicine, and medical devices are encouraged to participate. The first phase seeks component or integrated prototype solutions that enable and advance the functionality, effectiveness, and/or reliability of artificial kidneys. Phase 1 submissions are due by March 24, 2021.

Phase 1 seeks solutions that enable and advance the functionality, effectiveness, and/or reliability of artificial #kidneys. Entrants can explore teaming opportunities by joining the #KidneyX solver community:

To learn more about the competition and teaming opportunities, prospective entrants can replay the December 3 information session.


2020 Awards Ceremonies

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council announces its 2020 Award Winners. Individual Awards were presented at its 20th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO 2020) held virtually on 29-31 July 2020.



The NTC Pioneer Award in nanotechnology is to recognize individuals who by virtue of initiating new areas of research, development or engineering have had a significant impact on the field of nanotechnology. The award is intended for people who are in the mid or late portions of their careers, i.e., at least 10 years beyond his or her highest earned academic degree on the nomination deadline date.

2020 Pioneer Award Recipient

Professor Supriyo Bandyopadhyay from the Virginia Commonwealth University has been selected as the recipient of the 2020 IEEE Nanotechnology Council Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology, with the citation:
“For pioneering contributions to spintronics and straintronics employing nanostructures.”

Professor Bandyopadhyay is a pioneer in the field of straintronics which deals with switching nanomagnets with electrically generated strain for extremely energy-efficient computing and signal processing. He has also worked for many decades on spin-based classical computing. Additionally, he developed unique self-assembly techniques for nanoscale synthesis that led to the demonstration of novel optical, electrical and magnetic devices. In 2016, he was named Virginia’s Outstanding Scientist by Governor Terence McAuliffe and in 2018, he received the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award which is the highest award for any faculty member in any private or public college or university in Virginia. He also received his university’s Award of Excellence and Distinguished Scholarship Award – both given to one faculty member in the University in any given year. He has received many other awards over an academic career spanning three decades.



The Nanotechnology Council has established an Early Career Award to recognize individuals who have made contributions with major impact on the field of nanotechnology. Up to two awards may be given per year. There may be one award for academics (persons employed by colleges or universities) and one for persons employed by industry or government organizations.

Early Career Award Recipient

Professor Mikhail Kats at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, has been selected as the recipient for the 2020 IEEE Nanotechnology Council Early Career Award, with the citation:
“For outstanding technical innovations and achievement in nanophotonics, especially for optical metasurfaces, light interaction with nanoscale films, and tunable nanomaterials.”

Professor Kats is an expert in the interaction between light and structured optical materials. He has made pioneering contributions to the development of optical metasurfaces, ultra-thin-film interference coatings, tunable optics with phase-transition materials, and thermal-radiation metrology and engineering.



Each year, the Council will provide an award for the best Technical Committee for the prior year.

The winner of the 2019 Technical Committee Award is

TC 5: Spintronics
Chair: Jayasimha Atulasimha




2019 Outstanding NTC Chapter Award Goes to the Inaugural Chapter

Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

by Nick Massetti, NTC Chapters Chair

The San Francisco Bay Area Nanotechnology Council Chapter was awarded the 2019 Outstanding Chapter Award for the third time since 2014. The chapter was formed in 2005 as the inaugural chapter of an IEEE Council rather than an IEEE Society. Since then, the chapter has hosted a continuing string of monthly events comprising single speaker lunch time talks, an annual full day symposium of talks in the Spring and an annual half-day symposium in the Fall. Located in a unique global technology center its mission has been mission is to enable nanotechnology engineering by building bridges between industry, academia, and government, through the facilitation of education, networking, & entrepreneurship.  It provides valuable education, networking opportunities, and services through these events helping attendees develop and nurture professional relationships among peer working engineers, scientists, technologists, academics, and entrepreneurs. Most event speakers are recruited from local universities and companies as well as the occasional IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. Event attendance typically includes more non-IEEE members than members representing a broad audience and demographic which strives to fulfill the goal of advancing technology for humanity. The chapter also holds joint activities with other member societies, engages with students and provides a forum for job seekers.

The quality and longevity of the chapter is directly related to a large and active Executive Steering Committee, many of whom were among those chartering the chapter in 2005, by dividing responsibilities among their members to address event logistics, event promotion, speaker acquisition and venue management as examples. New volunteers are continuously added and they assume roles with increasing responsibility and further develop their professional networks.

In keeping with the times events are promoted on its own IEEE Listserv and on social media such as:


For full list of current chapters and contacts, click here.


How to start your own Chapter
Since this first chapter was formed, NTC has grown to include 29 Chapters worldwide and another 14 Student Chapters. Any member of the IEEE NTC can file a petition to form a chapter online at The IEEE Petition Team takes care of acquiring supporting signatures from neighboring members of NTC Society Members. The Outstanding Chapter Award winner might provide a useful model. For more information or inquiries of general chapter interest contact Nick Massetti, NTC Chapters Committee Chair, at


Announcing new Chairs of the NTC TC6 and TC8

Monday, May 4th, 2020

The NTC TA are currently developed in 15 TCs, covering almost all scientific areas of interest to the NTC. The role of each NTC TC is to serve as a focal point for research in a specific area. The actions undertaken by each NTC TC are developed by its Members under the leadership of Chair/Co-Chairs. Each NTC TC is created for a 4-year term and can be renewed by the NTC AdCom after a progress report and evaluation. Recently the Chairs of two of the NTC TCs have been reformed. For a full list of NTC’s 2020 Technical Committee, click here.

It is our pleasure to announce the new Chairs of the NTC TC6 Nanoelectronics, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, and the NTC TC8 Nanomaterials, Dominique Baillargeat. On behalf of the NTC TAC, I would like to thank them for taking these responsibilities and wish them a very successful leadership.

TC6 – Nanoelectronics
Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske
Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the VLSI & Emerging Technology Design Automation Laboratory at Portland State University. From 2004 to 2010 she was Chair of the ECE department at PSU, which she joined in 1989. She holds M.S. degree in electronics engineering from Politechnika Warszawska Warsaw, Poland, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.

Her research interests include CAD for VLSI ICs, MS-SOCs, 3D ICs, nanotechnology and nano/bio systems, design for manufacturability and design issues in emerging and renewable technologies. She has presented tutorials, keynote and invited talks at various international conferences and events. She has published more than 150 technical papers and serves as a panelist and reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF), and as a reviewer for National Research Council Canada (NRC) and many international journals and conferences. Her research has been supported by the NSF and industry.

Dr. Chrzanowska-Jeske has served in various roles on the Technical, Steering, and Organizing Committees of many international conferences and workshops, as Associate Editor for TCAS II, Senior Editor, Associate Editor and Guest Editor of various international journals. Currently, she serves as Vice President for Finances of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) and on Editorial Board of Nano Express, IOP Publishing. She served as IEEE NTC Vice President for Technical Activities and on BoG of IEEE CASS. She was a chair and a founding-member of Women in CAS Society, WiCAS. She presented keynote, plenary and tutorial lectures at various international conferences. She received 2008 Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award in IEEE TCAD and the Best Paper Award for the best IEEE Transaction paper in Alabama Section in 1990 She is a Life Senior Member of IEEE.

TC8 – Nanomaterials
Dominique Baillargeat
Dominique BAILLARGEAT (52) is Senior Member IEEE and was IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer in 2018 and 2019. He is Professor at the University of Limoges (France). Since September 2019, he is appointed as Scientific Executive Director of the CNRS@CREATE Ltd, in the framework of the Campus for Research And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) of the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore. CNRS@CREATE Ltd, which is CNRS’ first overseas subsidiary, will work with Singapore’s universities, research institutions, and CREATE’s international partners to conduct research and application of technologies in areas that are relevant to Singapore’s social and economic needs.

From September 2013 to August 2019 he was the Director of XLIM a joint research institute of 460 members of CNRS and University of Limoges. He was also the Director of the Lab of Excellence
SIGMA_LIM, a 8 years project, on innovative materials, technologies and software architectures dedicated to the future smart and highly integrated communication systems. From September 2009 to August 2013 he was the Director of the research laboratory CINTRA in Singapore, a joint lab. between the CNRS, NTU and Thales. The vision of this framework is to develop nanotechnologies for electronics.

D Baillargeat has done lot of research activities on the design of passive RF devices and on innovative packaging solutions for 3D heterogeneous integration. His research work is in the following areas: (1) EM modelling and design of RF components and modules, (2) 2D/3D additive manufacturing processes (3) nano-modelling and nano-characterization techniques for assisting the development of carbon-based devices (solutions for RF nanopackaging (interconnect), RF components, sensors, etc.) Prof D Baillargeat have been involved in many projects (past and present) either as XLIM scientific responsible or collaborator through fundings from the French Research Agency, European Community, ESA, CNES or with industrial partners (Thales, EADS etc..). He has been the advisor of 33 graduated PhD  students. D Baillargeat co-authored more than 80 articles in international journals and books, and 200 communications in international conferences.

KidneyX Phase 2 Redesign Dialysis Competition

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

KidneyX launches $1.5 million Phase 2 of prize competition to redesign dialysis

On November 18, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) launched the second phase of KidneyX: Redesign Dialysis, a prize competition that seeks to transform kidney care. Redesign Dialysis is part of a series of KidneyX prize competitions to catalyze the development of innovative solutions that can prevent, diagnose, and treat kidney diseases.

Redesign Dialysis Phase 2 seeks prototype solutions, or components of solutions, that can replicate normal kidney functions or improve dialysis access. Participants may compete in the second phase even if they did not submit a solution in the first phase. Prototypes should address at least one of the following areas: blood filtration, electrolyte homeostasis, volume regulation, toxin removal and secretion, filtrate drainage and connectivity, and dialysis access.

The competition calls on researchers, innovators, patients, and investors with expertise in nephrology, biotechnology, bioengineering, and medical devices to submit solutions by 5:00 p.m. ET on January 31, 2020.

Up to three winners will each be awarded $500,000. Participants can find more information, including the submission requirements, judging criteria, and eligibility, in the prize announcement (PDF).


Eighth UNESCO Medals for contributions to the nanoscience and nanotechnologies

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Hearty congratulations to IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) past-president Prof. Chennupati Jagadish, Australian National University, for being awarded with an UNESCO Medal for his important contributions in the field of semiconductor nanotechnology, and establishing a pioneering research programme in Australia in semiconductor nanotechnology and optoelectronics.

Prof. Jagadish  received the UNESCO Medal during a ceremony held at UNESCO headquarters, Paris on 22-November 2018. The medal is awarded each year by the Director-General of UNESCO to prominent scientists, public figures and organizations that contributed to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the spirit of UNESCO’s priorities.

Prof. Chennupati Jagadish was President of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council, 2007-2009, and currently is president of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS).

Prof. Chennupati Jagadish‘s dedication and commitment to the society will keep inspiring others who started their lives in small places like him.

Prof. Jagadish Chennupati – Australia
Head of the Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group of the Australian National University; Convenor of the Australian Nanotechnology Network.

He has made important contributions in the field of semiconductor nanotechnology, and established a pioneering research programme in Australia in semiconductor nanotechnology and optoelectronics.

For more details please click here.




National Nanotechnology Day (USA) 10^-9

Sunday, October 7th, 2018

National Nanotechnology Day is an annual celebration in the US featuring a series of community-led events and activities on or around October 9 to help raise awareness of nanotechnology. This date, 10/9, pays homage to the nanometer scale, 10^–9 meters.

The theme for this year’s National Nanotechnology Day is “Nano in Motion,” highlighting the dynamic progress of nanotechnology.

To see the activities underway for National Nanotechnology Day 2018, go to:



Call for Papers – 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement – NANOfIM 2018

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

4th International Conference on Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement – NANOfIM 2018

November 7-8, 2018; Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Mexico

(IEEE NTC Technical Sponsor)

Aims and Scope

This conference is a forum for discussions and exchange in the fields of instrumentation, measurements and nanotechnology, with a wide spectrum of cross-disciplines such as environment, optimization, artificial intelligence, power, energy and control. The scope of this event is not limited but expandable to applied interdisciplinary fields also.

Manuscript Submission

Authors are kindly invited to submit a full manuscript (maximum 6 pages, including references) for oral or poster presentation. All accepted, registered and presented papers will be published on IEEE Xplore®. Best and extended version of papers will be considered for possible publications in reputed journals (IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology and IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience). Double blind review will be done. Plagiarism will be checked during the review process.

Please, submit your paper online through EasyChair:

Templates for preparing submissions can be found here:



14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures
July 18-19 2018, Athens, GREECE

NANOARCH is the annual cross-disciplinary forum for the discussion of novel post-CMOS and advanced nanoscale CMOS directions. The 14th NANOARCH symposium aims to incorporate several exciting sessions on emerging computing paradigms (e.g., approximate, quantum, neuromorphic, molecular, spintronic), novel nano-based computing architectures, 2D materials (e.g., graphene) nanoelectronics and computing, beyond charge-based computing, emerging memory devices and in memory computing, nanoelectronics for biomedical systems, and to provide extended opportunities for interaction among the participants.

In addition to 6-page length Regular Papers, we also invite 2-page Concept Papers presenting less developed but radical and highly innovative work in the area of nanofabrication, nanocomputing, and emerging nanosystem application.

NANOARCH 2018 topics of interest (both theoretical and experimental) include (but are not limited to):


NASA Research Announcement – Physical Sciences Informatics

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

NASA Research Announcement: Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System Appendix D Released

NASA has released the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) titled “Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System – Appendix D,” which solicits ground-based research proposals to generate new scientific insights by utilizing experimental data residing in NASA’s Physical Sciences Informatics (PSI) system ( This online database provides investigators access to the raw and processed experimental data from physical science reduced-gravity flight experiments conducted on the International Space Station, Space Shuttle flights, and Free-flyers, or from related ground-based studies.

The current call for proposals solicits proposals in the five research areas – Combustion Science, Complex Fluids, Fluid Physics, Fundamental Physics and Materials Science – for which eligible experimental data will be available in the PSI by the proposal due date of December 15, 2017. At the time of the release of PSI NRA Appendix D, 50 investigations are eligible for this NRA. Anticipated award amounts, eligibility requirements, and further instructions for both types of investigators are provided in the solicitation document, which is available at

Notices of Intent for Appendix D are due on October 31, 2017, and they must be submitted electronically via NSPIRES ( Proposals are due on December 15, 2017, and they must be submitted electronically by an authorized official of the proposing organization using either NSPIRES ( or (

NASA plans to conduct a proposers’ conference via WebEx on October 17, 2017. Prospective proposers are advised to monitor the solicitation webpage for further information on the conference, including instructions on how to submit your questions about the PSI or the NRA.