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Deadline 20-May-21
Call for proposals: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is requesting proposals for 2021 Summer School which should be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly IEEE NANO meeting, the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference. These include a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, encompassing nanofabrication; nanomanufacturing; nanomaterials; nanobiomedicine; nanoenergy; nanoplasmonics; nanoelectronics; nanosensors and nanoactuators; nanorobotics; and characterization and modeling of nanostructures and devices.
The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology should be geared towards senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and researchers and practitioners could deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Based on the success of the previous Summer Schools, it is expected that the attendance at the school should be around 50 to 100 participants. The main objective is to stimulate future generations to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving fields, and to foster participation in the adventure of research that will lead to the next generation of nanopioneers.