IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Posts Tagged ‘RFP Seasonal Schools’

IEEE NTC 2025 Seasonal School on Nanotechnology

Thursday, November 21st, 2024

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is changing the modality for proposing and organizing the Summer Schools.

From 1st December 2024 to the 31st of October 2025 the NTC is open to proposals for 2025 Seasonal School on Nanotechnology which should be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference, including a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics.

The IEEE Seasonal School on Nanotechnology should be geared towards senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and researchers and practitioners who could deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. It is expected that the attendance at the school should be around 50 to 100 participants.

Dates and Length: The IEEE Seasonal School on Nanotechnology will be held in any month from February to November of 2025. The length of seasonal school has typically been a minimum of 3 days to 1 week.

The date of the school is not restricted to the summer season and can be organized and held any time of the year, until November 2025. 

Please submit your proposal using the RFP 2025 Summer School on Nanotechnology Form. 

Questions regarding the submission process can be directed to the Summer School Subcommittee Chair, Prof. Luca Pierantoni at 

Request for Proposals for 2024 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024

Call for proposals: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is requesting proposals for 2024 Summer School which should be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly IEEE NANO meeting, the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference. These include a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, encompassing nanorobotics; quantum, neuromorphic, and unconventional computing; nanobiomedicine; nanosensors and nanoactuators; nano-optics/photonics/optoelectronics; nanoelectronics; spintronics; plasmonics; nanomagnetics; nano-acoustics; nanoenergy; nanoscale communications; modeling, simulation, and characterization of nanostructures and devices; nanofabrication, nanopackaging, and nanomanufacturing; nanomaterials; and other emerging nanotechnologies.

The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology should be geared towards senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and researchers and practitioners who could deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Based on the success of the previous Summer Schools, it is expected that the attendance at the school should be around 50 to 100 participants. The main objective is to stimulate future generations to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving fields and to foster participation in the adventure of research that will lead to the next generation of nanopioneers.
Dates and Length: The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology will be held in the Fall of 2024. The length of each summer school has typically been a minimum of 3 days to 1 week. Although we have retained the name “summer school”, the date of the school is not restricted to the summer season.
Format: A successful summer school will consist of lectures, seminars, discussions, and visits to local academic and industrial organizations. Lectures will be given by international scholars working in the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology and focusing on a central theme among the typical topics covered during the IEEE Nano flagship conference.

Funding: The IEEE Nanotechnology Technical Council is able to provide up to $5K of funding for the summer school, to be used for such expenses to support the school. Local organizers need to provide partial support as well, and the participants (or their labs or supervisors) may need to pay registration (tuition) fees to compensate for inviting lecturers.
Benefits to Participants: In addition to acquiring an organized view of an important area of nanotechnology, the summer school participants will be able to interact with peer researchers and international scholars (especially young scientists) to discuss hot topics and ongoing research, and also to experience local industry and culture.

You are encouraged to submit a proposal to hold a 2024 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology. If the proposal is approved, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council will provide upon request a financial contribution to support the initiative. The co-funded amount depends on the available budget, the number of financed proposals, and the soundness of the school budget, but will not exceed $5,000. We recall that organizers can take advantage of other initiatives, e.g., the IEEE Nano Distinguished Lecture Program to further support the school (related regulations apply).

The IEEE Summer School Subcommittee will review the received proposals based on

  1. The quality of the proposed technical program and topic balance
  2. The soundness of the budget
  3. The length of the school
  4. The geographical balance of all funded summer schools (for future schools).

In writing your proposal, please address the following aspects:

  1. Aim and theme.
  2. Lectures and lecturers. Indicate if lecturers have agreed to participate.
  3. Tentative program and schedule.
  4. Local organizer(s). Brief bios of the School director and leadership.
  5. Registration. Tuition.
  6. Budget and financial sponsor(s). Expected number of participants.

Important Dates:

  • Eligible period: September to December, 2024
  • Deadline for submitting the proposal: 1 July 2024   August 1, 2024
  • Notification of the outcome of the review process: 1 September 2024

Please submit your proposal using the RFP 2024 Summer School on Nanotechnology Form. Potential hosts are encouraged to contact the subcommittee to express their interest and to work with the subcommittee to strengthen their proposals.  Questions regarding the submission process can be directed to the Summer School Subcommittee Chair, Prof. Luca Pierantoni at 

Request for Proposals for 2023 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

NTC Summer School RFP 2023

Deadline May 1, 2023 Extended: June 1, 2023

Call for proposals: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is requesting proposals for 2023 Summer School which should be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly IEEE NANO meeting, the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference. These include a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, encompassing nanorobotics; quantum, neuromorphic, and unconventional computing; nanobiomedicine; nanosensors and nanoactuators; nano-optics/photonics/optoelectronics; nanoelectronics; spintronics; plasmonics; nanomagnetics; nano-acoustics; nanoenergy; nanoscale communications; modeling, simulation, and characterization of nanostructures and devices; nanofabrication, nanopackaging, and nanomanufacturing; nanomaterials; and other emerging nanotechnologies.

The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology should be geared towards senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and researchers and practitioners who could deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Based on the success of the previous Summer Schools, it is expected that the attendance at the school should be around 50 to 100 participants. The main objective is to stimulate future generations to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving fields and to foster participation in the adventure of research that will lead to the next generation of nanopioneers.

Dates and Length: The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology will be held in the Fall of 2023. The length of each summer school has typically been a minimum of 3 days to 1 week. Although we have retained the name “summer school”, the date of the school is not restricted to the summer season.

Format: A successful summer school will consist of lectures, seminars, discussions, and visits to local academic and industrial organizations. Lectures will be given by international scholars working in the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology and focusing on a central theme among the typical topics covered during the IEEE Nano flagship conference.

Funding: The IEEE Nanotechnology Technical Council is able to provide up to $5K of funding for the summer school, to be used for such expenses to support the school. Local organizers need to provide partial support as well, and the participants (or their labs or supervisors) may need to pay registration (tuition) fees to compensate for inviting lecturers.

Benefits to Participants: In addition to acquiring an organized view of an important area of nanotechnology, the summer school participants will be able to interact with peer researchers and international scholars (especially young scientists) to discuss hot topics and ongoing research, and also to experience local industry and culture.

You are encouraged to submit a proposal to hold a 2023 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology. If the proposal is approved, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council will provide upon request a financial contribution to support the initiative. The co-funded amount depends on the available budget, the number of financed proposals, and the soundness of the school budget, but will not exceed $5,000. We recall that organizers can take advantage of other initiatives, e.g., the IEEE Nano Distinguished Lecture Program to further support the school (related regulations apply).

The IEEE Summer School Subcommittee will review the received proposals based on
1. The quality of the proposed technical program and topic balance
2. The soundness of the budget
3. The length of the school
4. The geographical balance of all funded summer schools (for future schools).

In writing your proposal, please address the following aspects:
1. Aim and theme.
2. Lectures and lecturers. Indicate if lecturers have agreed to participate.
3. Tentative program and schedule.
4. Local organizer(s). Brief bios of the School director and leadership.
5. Registration. Tuition.
6. Budget and financial sponsor(s). Expected number of participants.

Important Dates:

  • Eligible period: September to December, 2023
  • Deadline for submitting the proposal: 1 May 2023 1 June 2023
  • Notification of the outcome of the review process: 1 June 2023 1 July 2023

Please submit your proposal to the Summer School Subcommittee Chair, Prof. Lixin Dong at Potential hosts are encouraged to contact the subcommittee to express their interest and to work with the subcommittee so as to strengthen their proposals.

Request for proposals for 2022 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology

Friday, March 11th, 2022

Download RFP (PDF)

Deadline 1-May-22

Call for proposals: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is requesting proposals for 2022 Summer School which should be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly IEEE NANO meeting, the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference. These include a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, encompassing nanorobotics; quantum and neuromorphic computing; nanobiomedicine; nanosensors and nanoactuators; nano-optics/photonics/optoelectronics; nanoelectronics, spintronics, and plasmonics; nanomagnetics; nano-acoustics; nanoenergy; nanoscale communications; modeling, simulation, and characterization of nanostructures and devices; nanofabrication, packaging, and nanomanufacturing; and nanomaterials.

The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology should be geared towards senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and researchers and practitioners could deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Based on the success of the previous Summer Schools, it is expected that the attendance at the school should be around 50 to 100 participants. The main objective is to stimulate future generations to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving fields, and to foster participation in the adventure of research that will lead to the next generation of nanopioneers.

Dates and Length: The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology will be held by the Fall of 2022. The length of each summer school has typically been a minimum of 3 days to 1 week. COVID-19 has had a huge impact on conferences and meetings in 2020-2021 as most, if not all, talks and lectures have moved online. We expect 2022 to continue the trend of virtual meetings and discussions. As such, virtual Summer School of 1 or 2 days are acceptable. Although we have retained the name “summer school”, the date of the school is not restricted to the summer season (but must occur by 1-Dec).

Format: A successful summer school will consist of lectures, seminars, discussions, and visits to local academic and industrial organizations. Virtual lectures will be given by international scholars working in the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology and focusing on a central theme among the typical topics covered during the IEEE Nano flagship conference.

Funding: The IEEE Nanotechnology Technical Council is able to provide up to US$5K of funding for the summer school, to be used for such expenses to support the school. Local organizers need to provide partial support as well, and the participants (or their labs or supervisors) may need to pay registration (tuition) fees to compensate for inviting lecturers.

Benefits to Participants: In addition to acquiring an organized view of an important area of nanotechnology, the summer school participants will be able to virtually interact with peer researchers and international scholars (especially young scientists) to discuss hot topics and on-going research, and also to experience local industry and culture.

You are encouraged to submit a proposal to hold a 2022 Virtual IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology. If the proposal is approved, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council will provide upon request a financial contribution to support the initiative. The co-funded amount depends on the available budget, the number of financed proposals and the soundness of the school budget, but will not exceed US$5,000. We recall that organizers can take advantage of other initiatives, e.g., the IEEE Nano Distinguished Lecture Program to further support the school (related regulations apply).

The IEEE Summer School Subcommittee will review received proposals based on

  1. The quality of the proposed technical program and topic balance
  2. The soundness of the budget
  3. The length of the school
  4. The geographical balance of all funded summer schools (for future schools).

In writing your proposal, please address the following aspects:

  1. Aim and theme.
  2. Lectures and lecturers. Indicate if lecturers have agreed to participate.
  3. Tentative program and schedule.
  4. Local organizer(s). Brief bios of the School director and leadership.
  5. Registration. Tuition.
  6. Budget and financial sponsor(s). Expected number of participants.

Important Dates:

  • Eligible period: September to December, 2022
  • Deadline for submitting the proposal: 1 May 2022
  • Notification of the outcome of the review process: 1 June 2022

Please submit your proposal to the Summer School Subcommittee Chair, Prof. Lixin Dong at Potential hosts are encouraged to contact the subcommittee to express their interest, and to work with the subcommittee so as to strengthen their proposals.


Request for proposals for 2021 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology

Friday, April 9th, 2021

Download RFP (PDF)

Deadline 20-May-21

Call for proposals: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is requesting proposals for 2021 Summer School which should be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly IEEE NANO meeting, the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference.  These include a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, encompassing nanofabrication; nanomanufacturing; nanomaterials; nanobiomedicine; nanoenergy; nanoplasmonics; nanoelectronics; nanosensors and nanoactuators; nanorobotics; and characterization and modeling of nanostructures and devices.

The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology should be geared towards senior undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and researchers and practitioners could deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Based on the success of the previous Summer Schools, it is expected that the attendance at the school should be around 50 to 100 participants. The main objective is to stimulate future generations to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving fields, and to foster participation in the adventure of research that will lead to the next generation of nanopioneers.


Request for proposals for the 2019 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

Request for proposals for the 2019 IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology

(Download PDF version)

History: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council ( sponsored its first Summer School Program on “Regenerative Nano-Medicine: From Advanced Delivery Systems to Electronic-Based Devices” at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, in June 2016. In the next years, Summer / Fall schools have focused on “N3: Nanomaterials, Nanotools, and Nanodevices” [Montreal, Canada], “Nanoelectronic technologies and devices: From basic principles to highly reliable applications” [Toulouse, France], “Nanotechnology: From Science to Systems and Beyond” [Bangalore, India], and “Nanotechnology for Energy” [Portland, USA]. These schools have been highly successful in educating and training a multinational audience of students, post-docs, and other early career researchers in their chosen topical area. Through this current announcement, the council seeks to continue this important initiative into its fourth year.

Call for proposals and its thematic areas: The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC), in partnership with member societies of NTC, the Electron Devices and the Circuits and Systems societies (EDS and CAS), is requesting proposals for its Sixth Summer School. The school is expected to maintain an educational focus on nanotechnology, which may range from fundamentals in nanomaterials, nanofabrication and nano-characterization to diverse application areas such as nanosensors, nanoactuators, nanobiology and nanomedicine, nano-optics, nanorobotics, nanobiology, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, DNA nanotechnology, nanomanufacturing, nanopackaging, nanofluidics, nanomagnetics, nano/molecular heat transfer & energy conversion, nanoscale communication and networks, nano/molecular sensors, actuators, and systems, and spintronics.


Request for Proposals – NTC Summer School

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

Marc Cahay IEEE NTC Summer School on Nanotechnology 2016

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is initiating its Summer School Program in 2016. The first Summer School will be organized along some of the themes typically covered in the call for abstracts of the yearly IEEE Nano meeting, the flagship IEEE Nanotechnology Conference.  These include a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, encompassing nanofabrication; nanomanufacturing; nanomaterials; nanobiomedicine; nanoenergy; nanoplasmonics; nanoelectronics; nanosensors and nanoactuators; nanorobotics; and characterization and modeling of nanostructures and devices.

The IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology is geared towards senior undergraduates; graduate students; post-docs; and researchers and practitioners at the early stages of their careers who are eager to deepen and broaden their skills in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Attendance is expected to be in the range of 20 to 50 participants. The main objective is to stimulate future generations to stay abreast of these rapidly evolving fields, and to foster participation in the adventure of research that will lead to the next generation of nanopioneers.
