IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Kickoff: TC-16 on Quantum, Neuromorphic and Unconventional Computing

It is a pleasure to announce the first meeting of the newborn Technical Committee on Quantum, Neuromorphic and Unconventional computing of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council. This first edition, planned for June, 11th, 2021, will start at 2:00pm CEST, Rome time zone, (which will be 5:00am PDT, 8:00am EDT, 9:00pm JST) and will be virtual with a very exiting program with speakers from around the world either from academia and industry.

The list of the speakers is the following:

Kosuke Tatsumura, Corporate Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan “Autonomously-synchronizable multi-chip architecture for Ising machines based on simulated bifurcation”

Satoshi Sunada, Kanazawa, Japan
“Physical deep learning based on dynamical systems”

Hyunsoo Yang, National University of Singapore
“Spin based Neuromorphic and Unconventional Computing”

Guilherme P. Temporão, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“Quantum networks”

Rudy Wojtecki, Principal Research Staff Member and Manager of the Novel Devices and Electronic Materials at IBM Almaden Research Center, USA “Fabricating the Future of Computing — From Silicon to Superconductors”

Jean Anne Incorvia, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
“Designing Magnetic Synapses and Neurons with Application-Specific Functions”


Giovanni Finocchio
Chair of the TC16 Quantum, Neuromorphic and Unconventional computing members, IEEE Nanotechnology Council

Date: June, 11th, 2021

Time: 2:00pm CEST (Rome time zone) (5:00am PDT, 8:00am EDT, 9:00pm JST)

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