Due to an oversight, the VP Educational Activities was omitted from the original Call for Nominations
Nominations due Oct 4
Call for Nominations IEEE Nanotechnology Council VP Educational Activities
The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is seeking nominations for the following elected positions:
(1) Election: VP for Educational Activities (2020-2021)
The Vice-President for Educational Activities shall establish and chair the Education Committee, and with the participation of the Education Committee shall foster the development and provide direction for educational activities and programs in which the Council is involved, including but not limited to overseeing, coordinating, and monitoring such educational activities.
Unless otherwise noted, all positions are two-year terms and start Jan. 1, 2020.
Nominations should include a statement from the candidate and a bio in IEEE format. The deadline for nomination is October 4, 2019. A position description and nomination form are in the NTC Nomination Package, which can be downloaded at https://ieeenano.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/NTC-Positions-and-Nomination-Form-v4.doc. Duties for the positions are described in the Constitution which can be found at https://ieeenano.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/NTC_Constitution_Revision2.pdf.
Eligibility: Candidates are nominated from current AdCom members or from those past members who have served as Member Society-appointed or ex-officio AdCom members within the previous five years. Review the AdCom roster at https://ieeenano.org/adcom/.
NOTE: Nominations may be made only by AdCom members (see website AdCom roster page).
Note: An individual may not serve concurrently as both a Council officer and a Council Member Society representative.
Please email the nominations to Wen Li, Chair, NTC Nominations Committee at wenjli@cityu.edu.hk by midnight (HK Time) 4-Oct-2019. Or use the form below.
The election will be held electronically by NTC AdCom voting representatives during October.
Submit Nomination Form
(Nominations are closed)