COMING SOON! IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology
As a gold fully open access journal publishing high-quality peer reviewed papers, IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology (OJ-NANO) covers the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. OJ-NANO, which will be fully compliant with funder mandates, including Plan S, will begin accepting submissions in fall 2019 and publish its inaugural articles in early 2020. An independent editorial board will drive the IEEE Nanotechnology Council’s commitment to publish high-quality articles with cutting-edge studies and breakthroughs in nanotechnology. OJ-NANO will follow IEEE’s established high standard of peer review, drawing on experts in the nanotechnology technical community to publish the most highly cited content.
An International Editorial Board, composing of a team of world-leading nanotechnology scientists and engineers, and led by an EiC and two Co-EiCs, will ensure that OJN will publish research results of the latest advancements in nanotechnology.
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