IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Welcome to IEEE NMDC 2015 in Anchorage, Alaska

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September 5, 2015

IEEE NMDC 2015 to be held in Anchorage, Alaska USA on September 13-16, 2015 announces the final technical program including 3 plenary speeches, 23 invited talks, and a number of contributed papers.  IEEE NMDC 2015 sincerely invites participants from around the world.

Things to do besides the technical program:

Tourist season in Anchorage runs from mid-May to mid-September. Come early and take in some sight-seeing before NMDC. This year’s tourist season runs through September 17.

The website provides wealth of useful information.
See for things to do in the greater Anchorage area.


IEEE NMDC is a well received international conference sponsored by IEEE Nanotechnology Council. It has been held annually rotating in different parts of the world. For example, IEEE NMDC 2014 was held in ACI Castello, Italy and IEEE NMDC 2013 was held in Tainan, Taiwan. This is the tenth year anniversary.



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