IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Call for Award Nominations

NTC Publication Awards

A. T-NANO Best Paper Award
B. IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine Best-Paper Award
C. Test-of-Time Publication Award
D. Contact NTC Publications Awards Evaluation Committee Chair


Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology

(established in 2009)

All nomination materials must reach the Publication Awards Committee by March 1st each year.

Download Nomination Form

Description: An annual best paper award to recognize a paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (T-NANO) that is remarkable by its novelty, scientific merit, and potential impact. This award will encourage submission of excellent papers to the journal, and reward outstanding submissions. Note: Nominations by members of the T-NANO Editorial Board ONLY.

Prize: The award will consist of a certificate for each co-author and a $1,000 honorarium. In case a winning paper has several co-authors, the honorarium will be divided equally by all authors.

Eligibility: The authors are not required to be members of the IEEE, although they will be encouraged to join. Papers by the Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions, the President of the NTC and the NTC Vice President for Publications are ineligible. All other papers are eligible, unless they fall within the limitations spelled out in the IEEE Policy 4.4 cited elsewhere.

Basis for Judging: The primary criteria are novelty, scientific merit, and potential impact.

Presentation: The award will be presented at the annual IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) banquet. Attendance by at least one co-author is mandatory to receive the award, but no travel allowance is provided.


  • Submission of nominations: Email by March 1st to the T-NANO EiC,

Sorin Cotofana
Associate-Professor, Delft University of Technology

  • Committee’s award recommendation(s): April 1st
  • Notification to awardee(s): May 15th



Best-Paper Award for the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

(established in 2022)

All nomination materials must reach the Publication Awards Committee by March 1st each year.

Download Nomination Form

Description: This annual award recognizes a highly influential and impactful article of the highest quality published in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM) in the preceding 2 calendar years. (For example, the 2023 award recognizes a paper published in 2021 or 2022.) Note: Nominations accepted from any current or past member of the INM Editorial Board within the last 3 years ONLY. No self-nominations. Requires three reference letters.

Prize: Total honorarium of $500 equally split between the co-authors and a certificate to each.

Eligibility: At least one author must be an IEEE member and NTC participant at the time of publication. The award is given to an individual or group of authors co-authoring a single high impact paper published in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine. The awardee will be selected by a committee appointed by the NTC President. The Committee Chair is appointed by the NTC President with recommendation from the NTC VP of Publications; members of the Committee are appointed by the Chair with approval by the NTC President.

Voting members of the NTC Executive Committee (ExCom) are not eligible. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter).

Basis for Judging: Each member of the Committee, evaluates each nomination on several aspects, including but not limited to the following metrics: impact, quality of writing and presentation, relevance of the topic, its influence in nanotechnology-based communities.

The range of the score by each member of the committee is from 0-5. The Chair will generate for each nomination a scoring table (with averages) to be distributed to voting members of the Committee. The Committee will rank a final pool of up to 3 nominated papers and recommend the winner. The nominations and recommendations will be presented in a report to the NTC ExCom for voting in its May meeting. The Committee Chair will not vote except to break ties.

Presentation: The award will be presented at the annual IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) banquet. Attendance is mandatory to receive the award, but no travel allowance is provided.


  • Submission of nominations: Email by March 1st to the INM Awards Chair,

Xiaoning Jiang
Dean F. Duncan Distinguished Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
North Carolina State University

  • Committee’s award recommendation(s): April 1st
  • Notification to awardee(s): May 15th



IEEE Nanotechnology Council Test-of-Time Publication Award

(established in 2022)

All nomination materials must reach the Publication Awards Committee by March 1st each year.

Download Nomination Form

Description: This annual award recognizes a highly influential, widely visible, and impactful article of the highest quality which appeared in any Nanotechnology Council managed journal, magazine, or financially sponsored conference proceedings between 10 years and 25 years ago. Note: Nominations from any Editorial Board member of any NTC publication within the last 25 years ONLY. No self-nominations. Requires three reference letters.

Prize: Total honorarium of $1,000 equally split between the co-authors and a certificate to each. A single annual award

Eligibility: At least one author of a nominated paper must be IEEE member and NTC participant at the time of publication. The award can be given to an individual or group of authors co-authoring a single high-impact paper of the highest quality and visibility published in a Nanotechnology Council (NTC) publication between 10 and 25 years ago. Such manuscript must show a high impact on nanotechnology research across at least one area of relevance and investigation.

Author(s) of papers published less than 10 years ago, papers authored by voting members of the NTC Executive Committee and previous award winners are not eligible. Papers as recipients of Best Paper Awards for Nanotechnology Council publications, e.g., IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine Best-Paper Award, or the IEEE Open Journal on Nanotechnology, are also not eligible for this award.

The nomination for the same paper can be submitted at most twice in two consecutive years.

Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations (An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter.)

There are no other requirements.

Basis for Judging: Each member of the award committee (with no COI) must submit the score for each nomination to the chair:

Each member of the Committee evaluates each nominated paper on several aspects (long term), including but not limited to: impact, quality of writing and presentation, relevance of the topic, importance and relevance to nanotechnology-based communities, and emergence of stimulated contributions across the entire nanotechnology field.

The range of the score by each member of the committee is from 0-5. The Chair will generate for each nomination a scoring table (with averages) to be distributed to the members of the Committee. The Committee will consider the scoring table of each nomination and then pick the top 3 candidates by unanimous or majority decision and rank them. The Committee Chair does not vote, except to break ties. Upon completion of this process, the Committee Chair will send the ranked list to the NTC Executive Committee for their consideration and final approval of the awarded paper at its May meeting.

Presentation: The award will be presented at the annual IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) banquet. Attendance by at least one co-author is mandatory to receive the award, but no travel allowance is provided.


  • Submission of nominations: Email by March 1st to the Publications Awards Chair,

Mircea R. Stan
Virginia Microelectronics Consortium Professor, University of Virginia

  • Committee’s award recommendation(s): April 1st
  • Notification to awardee(s): May 15th


D. Contact NTC Publications Awards Evaluation Committee Chair

For further information, please contact the Chair, NTC Publications Awards Evaluation Committee (for the IEEE Best Paper Award for the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Nanotechnology Magazine Best-Paper Award, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Test-of-Time Publication Award.)

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