IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

MARSS 2022 to be held July 25-29, 2022 in Toronto, Canada

Note revised dates

Dear Colleagues,

After the two-years pandemic break, the 5th Int. Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) will be held on July 25-29, 2022, in Toronto, Canada. General Chair: Yu Sun (CA), General Co-Chairs: Eric Diller (CA) and Xinyu Liu (CA). MARSS is the flagship forum for cross-disciplinary R&D communities related to manipulation and automation (incl. measurement and characterization) at micro/nano scales as well as all kinds of small scale robots and their applications. The conference is technically supported by IEEE-NTC and IEEE-RAS.

We cordially invite you to attend and contribute to the conference. MARSS2022 intends to offer 12-14 plenary talks and 25-30 technical sessions (oral presentations only). Full papers (5-6 pages) or short papers (1-3 pages) on MARSS-related topics are invited. Presented full papers will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Selected full papers will be recommended to Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics (Springer Nature) for publishing a Special Issue.

MARSS features powerful committees at all levels. However, we keep looking for motivated professionals who may want to work in the Program Committee (PC). Your contribution or recommendations will be appreciated.

No online virtual presentation option will be offered by MARSS2022. Regarding potential travel restrictions due to the pandemic, please check for details

Full paper submission (5-6 pages): May 15, 2022
Short paper submission (1-3 pages): June 15, 2022

We look forward to meeting you in Toronto!

FYI: MARSS2023 will be held in Hangzhou, China / MARSS2024 will be held in Delft, Netherlands / MARSS2025 will be held in Purdue, IN, USA.

Sergej Fatikow / MARSS, Founding Chair
Olaf C. Haenssler / MARSS, Publicity Chair


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