The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Chapters & Regional Activities Committee is calling for applications from NTC Chapters (student chapters included) for NTC Chapter’s Innovation Grant. The purpose is to support regional NTC Chapters to propose new innovative activities to be carried out in 2022 and beyond. Up to USD$2500 can be applied from each eligible chapter. Deadline for applications 25-Nov-21.
- Eligibility
All active NTC Chapters formed in and before 2018.
- The Application Pack should
- include a list of the activities carried out in 2020 and 2021 (that have been reported in vTools).
- include a brief proposal (up to 2 pages) on the proposed activities, with a clear description on the activity, action plan (such as for activity promotion), and main benefits (to IEEE NTC members and wide community).
- show relation (up to 1 page) to the topics of the current NTC Technical Committees and the NTC Distinguished Lecturers (DL) program.
- provide a budget justification for each planned activity. Typical funding is USD $1000. In special well-documented cases, funding can be increased but no more than USD $2500.
- provide the bank details of its affiliated IEEE Section by filling in the attached bank information form (note that there are two forms attached, one for Chapters in India only, and one for all other Chapters).
- be sent by email to: Prof. Lan Fu: by Nov. 25, 2021.
- The selection committee
- Kremena Makasheva (Chair, NTC VP for Technical Activities)
- Vasuda Bhatia (R1-7 Coordinator)
- Attila Bonyar (R8 Coordinator)
- Camilo Tellez Villamizar (R9 Coordinator)
- Brajesh Kumar Kaushik (R10 Coordinator)
- Zhiming Wang (R10 Other, Coordinator)
- Lan Fu (NTC Chapters – Chair)
- Announcement
The successful applications will be announced during the 16th IEEE NMDC conference to be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada in Dec. 12-15, 2021.