IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Call for Papers IEEE-NEMS 2019

Call for Papers IEEE-NEMS 2019 (download CFP)

The 14th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems
Dates: Bangkok, Thailand, 11-14 April 2019
Location: Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park

The IEEE-NEMS is a premier conference series sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council focusing on the promotion and dissemination of advanced research results related to MEMS, nanotechnology, and molecular technology. Prior conferences were held in Singapore (2018), Los Angeles (USA, 2017), Matsushima Bay (Japan, 2016), Xi’an (China, 2015), Hawaii (USA, 2014), Suzhou (China, 2013), Kyoto (Japan, 2012), Kaohsiung (Taiwan, 2011), Xiamen (China, 2010), Shenzhen (China, 2009), Hainan Island (China, 2008), Bangkok (Thailand, 2007), and Zhuhai (China, 2006). The IEEE-NEMS Conference typically attracts about 450 attendees with participants from more than 20 countries and regions worldwide.

Key Info:

  • The conference is now accepting Invited Session proposals. Please send Invited Session proposals to Prof. Cecil Chen (
  • The conference has already confirmed 5 Plenary and 9 Keynote Speakers and over 30 Special Invited Speakers (spanning over 6 special invited sessions of advanced topics related to micro/nano scale fluidics, sensors, and actuators) for the conference..
  • A Special Issue based on author contributions to the conference will appear in the IEEE Trans. and Nanotechnology.

Conference Scope:
We are now calling for submission of 2-page abstracts for review by the Technical Program Committee for inclusion in the oral/poster technical presentations at the conference.  We invite contributions describing the latest scientific and technological research results in subjects including, but not limited to:

  • Micro/Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (M/NEMS)
  • Micro/Nano/Molecular Fabrication
  • Nanomaterials
  • Nonmaterial Based Devices and Systems
  • Nanophotonics and Nanoscale Imaging
  • Nanoscale Robotics, Assembly, and Automation
  • Molecular Sensors, Actuators, and Systems
  • Micro/Nano Fluidics
  • Micro/Nano Mechanics
  • Nanobiology/Nanomedicine

General Chair:Prof. YufengJIN, Peking Univ., China
General Co-Chair:Prof. Wen J. LI, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
General Co-Chair:Prof. Jeffrey D.-J. YAO, National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan
Program Chair:Prof. Cecil T.-H. CHEN, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Program Co-Chair:Prof. Zhan YANG, Soochow Univ., China
Awards Committee Chair:Prof. Jin-Woo KIM, Univ. of Arkansas, USA
Publications Chair:Prof. Zhidong WANG, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

Key Dates:
Oct. 15, 2018: 2-page abstract submission
Dec. 01, 2018: Notification of paper acceptance
Jan. 15, 2019: Final full paper submission (for IEEE Xplore® database)


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