IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Posts Tagged ‘Young Professionals’

IEEE NTC YP Canada activities

Monday, January 25th, 2021

Contributed by José Alvim Berkenbrock

Since October, IEEE NTC YP activities have been developed closely with the membership of Region 7 (i.e., Canada). The local representative for Canada is José A. Berkenbrock (S’20), a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. In the last trimester of 2020, the activities of IEEE NTC YP Canada were focused on three goals. First was to create a presence on the internet (please, visit:; Establishing a connection with local chapters and affinity groups; and organizing webinars under the scope of the Nanotechnology Council.

The Nanotechnology community in Canada is very active. Many IEEE NTC conferences were recently hosted in Canada (e.g., IEEE NANO 2014 in Ottawa) and there is more to come (i.e., IEEE NANO 2021 in Montréal and IEEE NMDC 2021 in Vancouver). One of the goals of Mr. Berkenbrock is to connect with this dynamic community for supporting students and young professionals and strengthening the presence of the Council in the region. Seeking to achieve this goal, a webinar was co-hosted by IEEE North Saskatchewan Section on December 9th with the presence of speakers from across Canada. The theme of this inaugural webinar was “Perovskites for solar cells” with Dr. Saidaminov (University of Victoria, British Columbia) and Dr. Rosei (INRS, Québec) as speakers and Mr. Kahwagi from the Koleilat’s research group (Dalhousie University, New Brunswick) as the Moderator. Briefly, in numbers, the event of about one and a half hours had 80 people interested to attend, 60 subscribed and 24 attendees. Afterwards, all those registered received the link to access the recording and a survey about the event. The survey (5) showed the event attracted people from countries beyond the Americas (e.g., Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, and Portugal) and exceeded people’s expectations. The next webinar is expected to happen in late January with the theme “Microdevices and the Pandemics” (Please, follow our page on LinkedIn for more info).

Another action expected for next year is the formation of the first IEEE NTC Student Chapter in Western Canada. Currently, the Montrealer Chapter (and Student Chapter) are the only outposts of IEEE NTC up here in the North. Mr. Berkenbrock has engaged in different activities looking for attracting students interested in joining what can be the first chapter in Western Canada. The first virtual meeting happened on December 21st and the work for establishing the chapter has left the shores. We look forward to launching this chapter in the middle of the Canadian prairies. The University of Saskatchewan is in Saskatoon – SK (in the Treaty 6 Territory and Homeland of the Métis).

Young Professional Representative for NTC

Thursday, May 28th, 2020

We are pleased to announce Rafal Sliz as the Young Professional Representative for the Nanotechnology

Rafal is an IEEE Senior Member and since the beginning of his volunteering career, he has been involved in the activities of Young Professionals, starting from Finland Section, through Region 8 and finally the Global Committee. His dream was to make IEEE and the Young Professionals Program more relevant to young people and improve product and services offered by IEEE.

Since 2018 Rafal has been working as a Professor in the field of nanotechnology and printed electronics at the University of Oulu, Finland. His interests include fabrication and testing of flexible and printed components, as well as systems used in wearables and IoT. His daydream is to advance printed electronics to a stage where fabrication of electronic components will be as easy as printing newspapers, and the technology will serve people without having a negative impact on our environment.

San Francisco Nano Workshop for Young Professionals

Monday, May 16th, 2016

San Francisco Bay Area IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapter

3 Day Workshop for Young Professionals

IEEEnanoCON-2016;  Inspiring the Next Generation

Dates: June 13 – 15, 2016

Venues: Texas Instruments; IBM Almaden; and Stanford University

For detailed schedule, see

Download the PDF flyer.

IEEEnanoCON-2016 is a three day workshop principally targeting young professionals and college students. IEEEnanoCON-2016 will also serve engineers wishing to retrain into new careers. There will be exposure to a wide range of nanotechnology science and technology topics by established experts in the fields.

Presentations will span nanomaterials and nanodevices, nanophotonics and nanomedicine, nanopolymers and nanosensors along with their applications.

Speakers from Academia and Industry (both entrepreneurs and established enterprises), will review current as well as potential areas of interest in an attempt to spark a drive to get involved in enabling the promise of nanotechnology.

Ample time will be reserved for discussion and interchange with attendees.

IEEEnanoCON-2016’s three days of activities will take place at three venues: Texas Instruments; IBM Almaden; and Stanford University. Free attendance by on-site engineers or professors will be encouraged to maximize networking opportunities.

For detailed schedule and to register, see


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