IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

About the Nanotechnology Council

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IEEE?

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. For more information, visit the IEEE website.


What is the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC)?

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council focuses on the advancement and coordination of work in the field of Nanotechnology. The Council is a multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Nanotechnology carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, literary and educational areas. The Council supports the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. The Council sponsors well-recognized, international conferences and publications.

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council is part of Division I – Circuits and Devices and is made up of the representatives of 23 Member Societies and the ExCom members. The current list of these Societies scan be found on the About page ( 


What are the activities of the Council?

The Nanotechnology Council produces conferences, publishes journals and a magazine, hosts Technical Committees working on advancements in various aspects of nanotechnology, produces a newsletter, supports local chapters, provides a distinguished lecturer program, evaluates candidates for IEEE Fellow, supports summer schools, and administers awards for outstanding contributions to the field. 


How do I become a member of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC)?

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council has no individual members like an IEEE technical society – it has only member Societies.

You can join the NTC community, visit the IEEE Memberships and Subscriptions Catalog and select one of the NTC choices. The help menu explains your options. You currently don’t have to be an IEEE member to join the NTC community.  Sign in to your IEEE web account and if you are a member, add the NTC to your current membership.  If not a member you will be added to the NTC community list. You can also join the NTC interest listserv using this form on the website,


What are the benefits of becoming a member of NTC?

Through the Council’s sponsored activities, participants have the opportunity to publish and collaborate on research, network with colleagues, stay current on news and events, develop standards, and participate in educational activities.

In addition, as a participant of the Council, you will receive communications about networking opportunities, conferences, meetings, special events, other member benefits, and more.


How is an NTC Chapter formed?

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) has professional technical chapters and student chapters established in several countries. To form a Chapter, visit for instructions on submitting a petition on line.  In case of further queries, please contact the NTC Chapters Chair,

Forming a new Technical Chapter requires signatures of twelve (12) IEEE members who belong to member Societies of the NTC.


What are the benefits of forming an NTC Chapter?

IEEE NTC Chapters are local geographic organizational units that provide unique opportunities for members to attend technical presentations, create strong peer-to-peer connections, and participate in leadership opportunities that can make a positive distinction in IEEE members’ jobs and careers. It is also a local link to the valuable resources available from the Nanotechnology community.

The member benefits from the opportunity to network within the community of Academics, Scientists and Engineers who are interested in Nanotech. Networking is where most of us find our next or better employment. Another benefit is the educational opportunity offered by the seminar or symposium the chapter hosts. A very important benefit is that the chapter can organize seminars and symposia and offer them at a very low cost compared to large expensive conferences.


When and how are AdCom representatives appointed?

The AdCom is composed of the elected officers of the Council and two representatives appointed by each Member Society. The term of office of a Member Society representative on the Council shall be two years with each of the two Society representatives appointed by the Society in alternate years. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Society represented.

For additional information, please refer to the Constitution and Bylaws.


How do I participate in a Technical Committee?

If you are interested in participating in one of NTC’s Technical Committees, please contact the Vice President of Technical Activities,


How can I start a Technical Committee?

To establish a Technical Committee, the first step is to submit an application with the information below to the Vice President of Technical Activities, found at This is then reviewed and brought before the Technical Activities Committee (TAC). If the TAC approves, it is presented for a vote at the next ExCom meeting.

Application for Establishing a New Technical Committee:

  1. Proposed Title
  2. Proposed Scope (under 200 words)
  3. Motivation (under 200 words)
    • Recent technical developments, growing number of papers, etc.
  4. Relationship to existing TCs (under 200 words)
    • Be specific – why is it not possible to coordinate this topic under an existing TC?
  5. Goals within 2 and 4 years (under 100 words)
  6. Activities to support goals – be specific (under 100 words)
  7. Proposed Chair and Co-Chairs (with affiliations and contact info)
  8. Confirmation that the Proposed Chair and Co-Chairs
    • Have reviewed the TAC Manual and are prepared to accept the associated duties.
  9. List of 5 or more confirmed founding members other than co-chairs

For additional information, please contact the Vice President of Technical Activities, found at


How do I invite an NTC Distinguished Lecturer to speak in a conference, Chapter, or regional IEEE activity?

IEEE Student Branches, NTC or member Society Chapters, and NTC or member Society Conferences can request NTC Distinguished Lecturers (based on availability of funding). Please contact the presenter directly to arrange for a presentation. To view the list of Distinguished Lecturers, visit


How do I become an NTC Distinguished Lecturer?

Candidates for DLs may be nominated by any current IEEE member (self-nominations are not accepted), using the IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecturer Nomination Form. DLs are expected to give a minimum of 2 lectures per year as part of their commitment to serve. The NTC Distinguished Lecturer Committee reviews nominations and recommends DL candidate appointments for NTC ExCom approval. DL Nominations are submitted to the chair of the Distinguished Lecturer Committee by 15 October. For more information, visit:


How do I propose to organize a summer school?

If you are interested in organizing a summer school, please submit your proposal to the Vice President of Education,

In writing your proposal please address the following aspects:

  1. Aim and theme
  2. Lectures and lecturers – indicate if lecturers have agreed to participate
  3. Tentative program and schedule
  4. Local organizer(s) – brief bios of the School director and leadership
  5. Registration and accommodation; tuition and venue
  6. Budget and financial sponsor(s); expected number of participants

The IEEE Summer School Subcommittee will review received proposals based on:

  1. The quality of the proposed technical program and topic balance
  2. The soundness of the budget
  3. The length of the school
  4. The desirability of the venue
  5. The geographical balance of all funded summer schools (for future schools).


Is there any NTC funding support for a summer school?

If the proposal is approved, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council may provide upon request a financial contribution to support the initiative. The co-funded amount depends on the available budget, the number of financed proposals and the soundness of the school budget. It is expected that organizers will take advantage of other initiatives, e.g., the IEEE NTC Distinguished Lecture Program to further support the school (related regulations apply). In the future, the summer school funding model will be based on multiple contributions from member societies.


How do I find information on the NTC Facebook site?

The IEEE NTC Facebook websites are linked below. NTC officers, members, conference/workshop organizers are invited to join it and post relevant information.

Open website in which only authorized members are allowed to post articles:

Open website in which only the web host is allowed to post articles:


How to join the NTC social media?

IEEE NTC social media currently consists of websites, IEEE NTC Newsletters and Facebook (FB) nanotechnology group ( The social media of IEEE NTC are dedicated platforms for all persons interested in nanotechnology, whether engineers, scholars, researchers, hobbyists, or interested members of the public all over the world to connect and communicate nanotechnology and nano science.

In the FB group, individuals are allowed to post and share content publicly, allowing other individuals to view and respond to that content. IEEE NTC encourages the use of social media to further engage IEEE NTC members, volunteers, students, media, and those interested in getting involved with IEEE NTC. The IEEE Nanotechnology FB group has very rich content with active interactions among members from around the world. There are more than 14,000 members now.


How do I contact the NTC Secretary?

The NTC Secretary can be reached by selecting the appropriate address at:


What are the conferences supported by NTC?

NTC currently supports the following well-known conferences:

  1. IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO)
  2. IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference  (NMDC)
  3. IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS) [co-sponsor]
  4. IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED) [co-sponsor]
  5. International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO) [co-sponsor]
  6. International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) [co-sponsor]
  7. IEEE International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” (NAP)
  8. Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop (NANOfIM) [co-sponsor]
  9. IEEE International Conference on Micro/Nano Sensors for AI, Healthcare, and Robotics (IEEE-NSENS)

For additional information on these conferences, please visit the Conferences page at:


How can I offer to host NTC IEEE-NANO and NMDC conferences?

There is an annual Call for Proposals in the Newsletter and elsewhere. Proposals are typically due before the July AdCom/ExCom meeting at IEEE-NANO where the proposals are presented (either in person or on-line) and discussed in a Q&A mode. Then the formal decision is made in the November ExCom meeting following any further petitioner input.

Note that IEEE-NANO and NMDC decisions are made 3 years and 2 years in advance, respectively. Note that both conferences rotate internationally between Regions 1-7, Region 8 and Region 10. (Region 9 applications can be made with either Regions 1-7 or 8.).

Proposals for co-sponsored NTC conferences should be addressed to the appropriate conference’s organizing committee. See the Conferences page ( on the website.


How can I get the NTC to co-sponsor my conference?

Conferences looking for NTC sponsorship must contact the VP for Conferences directly at or through introduction by other NTC volunteers before filing the conference application & MOU through IEEE MCE.


What are the publications supported by NTC?

NTC currently produces and sponsors the following publications:

  • IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO)
  • IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM)
  • IEEE Nanotechnology Newsletter
  • IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB) [co-sponsor]
  • IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (JPV) [co-sponsor]


How do I subscribe to the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM)?

To subscribe to the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, please visit the IEEE Memberships and Subscriptions Catalogs page.

To view the latest issue go to


How do I propose a theme issue for the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM)?

If you would like to propose a new theme or a special topic issue for the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, John T. Yeow.


How do I submit papers to the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM)?

Papers and articles must be submitted via the EDAS Paper Processing System. Abstracts should be submitted at This is a unique site with EDAS for the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine.

For step by step instruction on the submission process, please visit

For any questions, contact INM’s Editor-in-Chief, John T.W. Yeow at


How do I advertise in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (INM)?

To advertise in the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, please contact IEEE GlobalSpec. Their sales representatives have the product knowledge to develop a valuable integrated advertising program that will optimize your marketing mix and fit your budget. They can provide the right combination of programming to target the market channel you want to reach.

Please use the email or phone number below to reach out to them and learn more about product advertising opportunities with INM.
Phone: 800.261.2052


Where on-line can I get all information related to IEEE TNANO?

Visit the TNANO website for information on the editorial board, special issues, and how to get your contribution published.


What is the URL for the web site for submitting a paper to TNANO?

To submit a paper to TNANO, visit their submission site.


How do I subscribe to IEEE TNANO?

To subscribe to the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, please visit the IEEE Memberships and Subscriptions Catalogs page.

To view the latest issue go to


How to subscribe to the IEEE NTC Newsletter?

IEEE NTC Newsletter is published quarterly and available to all persons interested in nanotechnology, whether engineers, scholars, researchers, hobbyists, or interested members of the public. The NTC Newsletter is sent to the NTC interest listserv and the NTC community members list.

To sign up as a community member see (4). To join the interest listserv, there is a form on the website,

To view previous issues, please see the IEEE NTC Newsletter Archive (


What is the IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB)?

The IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience reports on original, innovative and interdisciplinary work on all aspects of molecular systems, cellular systems, and tissues (including molecular electronics). Topics covered in the journal focus on a broad spectrum of aspects, both on foundations and on applications. Specifically, methods and techniques, experimental aspects, design and implementation, instrumentation and laboratory equipment, clinical aspects, hardware and software data acquisition and analysis and computer based modelling are covered (based on traditional or high performance computing – parallel computers or computer networks).


Where on-line can I get all information related to IEEE TNB?

Visit the TNB website for information on the editorial board, special issues, and how to get your contribution published.


How do I subscribe to IEEE TNB?

To subscribe to the IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, please visit the IEEE Memberships and Subscriptions Catalogs page.

To view the latest issue go to


What is the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (JPV)?

The IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics is a peer-reviewed, archival publication reporting original and significant research results that advance the field of photovoltaics (PV). The PV field is diverse in its science base ranging from semiconductor and PV device physics to optics and the materials sciences. The journal publishes articles that connect this science base to PV science and technology. The intent is to publish original research results that are of primary interest to the photovoltaic specialist.


Where on-line can I get all information related to IEEE JPV?

Visit the JPV website for information on the editorial board, special issues, and how to get your contribution published.


How do I subscribe to IEEE JPV?

To subscribe to the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, please visit the IEEE Memberships and Subscriptions Catalogs page.

To view the latest issue go to


Can IEEE Fellow nomination cases be evaluated by NTC?

NTC has its own FEC (Fellow Evaluation Committee) and can evaluate Fellow nomination cases similar to what Technical Societies can do. The nomination success rate tracks the overall IEEE rate very closely. 


Who are Fellows in NTC?

IEEE Fellows in NTC come from two sources: those Fellows nominated via NTC, plus  Fellows from member societies.

How do I find out who is an NTC Fellow?

For a list of IEEE Fellows of the Nanotechnology Council, visit



NTC covers broad technical fields. Can NTC FEC find enough experts to help with the evaluation efforts?

Certainly, we can find enough experts to help evaluate nomination cases for all NTC fields.


What is the website for questions related to Fellow nomination?

The website for “Frequently Asked Questions About the IEEE Fellows Program” is:


IEEE NTC Version 1.1
Revised 9 March 2021