IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Welcome to Join the IEEE NTC Facebook


IEEE NTC Facebook website is linked below. It can also be linked to by the Facebook option at the upper right corner of the front page of the NTC website.

NTC officers, members, conference/workshop organizers are invited to join it and post relevant information.

Open website in which only authorized members are allowed to post articles: (


4 Responses to “Welcome to Join the IEEE NTC Facebook”

  1. IEEE Member and MEMBER NTC.
    Please do addme.

  2. Edward Perkins says:

    Dear Jr-Hau,
    The number of members of the FB Nanotechnology Group has exceeded 10,000!
    You have done a great job to achieve this milestone in just a little more than one year!
    Thank you!
    Tommy Tzeng