IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Message from EiC of Transactions on NanoBioscience

Henry Hess The IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience transition to 8 issues per year

The year of 2014 is very meaningful for the IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB). TNB received about 150 manuscripts with its 50% growth in submissions relative to 2013. The average time to first decision for manuscripts submitted in 2014 was one month and the rejection rate was 60%. The impact factor returned to its long-term average of 1.8. Furthermore, we launched our new website ( providing up-to-date information for authors and readers.
TNB expects even more growth in 2015 in quality and quantity because of the authorization of a doubling of the number of pages which makes it possible to reduce the time between the web-publication of a manuscript as “early access” and the appearance in a print issue: TNB will now publish eight online issues which will be bundles into four print issues. To continue this prosperous flow, TNB sets up three practical goals for 2015: 1) to make sure that every manuscript receives a first decision within two months, 2) to redefine the scope of TNB by delineating the boundaries with other journals published by IEEE in particular the Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) and the Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (T-CBB) , and 3) to promote the Open Access option, which facilitates reaching our broad and interdisciplinary audience.

TNB is strengthened in 2015 with the commitment of the sponsoring societies (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society) and their representatives to the TNB steering committee chaired by Ali Khademhosseini. In addition, the Editorial Board has been enlarged to 22 Associate Editors by the arrival of eight new members. New member are as follows. Jennifer Andrew (University of Floria, USA), Debamitra Dutta (Intel Corp., USA) Paolo Facci (ENR, Italy), Stefan Harrer (IMB Corp., Australia), Shan He (University of Birmingham, U.K.), SangHoon Lee (Korea University, Korea) Tadashi Nakano (Osaka University, Japan) Athanasios Vasilakos (Kuwait University, Kuwait) The other associate Editors information can be found in our website at The other TNB team members, Daniel Henson (Technical Editor), Parag Katira (Managing Editor), Megan Armstrong (Assistant Editor), and Hee Young Yeo (new Assistant Editor) are always ready to support and assist authors and readers behind scenes. Our contact information can be found at, in case you have any question about TNB.

Henry Hess

3 Responses to “Message from EiC of Transactions on NanoBioscience”

  1. […] Message from EiC of Transactions on NanoBioscience […]

  2. Bing Nan Li says:

    Cheers for the growing TNB!

  3. […] Message from EiC of Transactions on NanoBioscience […]