contributed by Guilherme B. Pintarelli
Region 9 ‘2021 IEEE NTC Latin America Summer School on Nanotechnology (2021 IEEE LASSNANO)’ was held virtually from 8 to 9 of September. The summer school had five lectures and two workshops on simulation and fabrication from experts from academia and industry. The LASSNANO was cooperation between Brazil and Colombia IEEE NTC clusters. The LASSNANO had 15 attendees who were from engineering courses (undergraduate and graduate level). The summer school may facilitate triggering new IEEE NTC initiatives in Region 9. Since the 2000s, most Latin American countries have been investing and have strategic plans for developing nanotechnologies. We believe that introducing nanotechnology in engineering courses can generate innovative and visionary professionals, which may boost the Latin American industry. Thus, it may become more competitive and sustainable. The 2021 IEEE LASSNANO theme was ‘Sustainable electronics and abundant nanomaterials from natural sources, specifically their usage in Latin America’.
2021 IEEE LASSNANO Speakers:
- Dr. Jim Morris (IEEE NTC Chair)
- Dr. Juliana Jaramillo Fernandez (ICN2)
- Dr. Andy Cai (COMSOL Inc.)
- Dr. Daniela Suzuki (Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC)
- Dr. John Alexander Muñoz Montenegro (Universidad El Bosque)
- Dr. Juan Carlos Salcedo-Reyes (Universidad Javeriana)
2021 IEEE LASSNANO Organizers:
- Guilherme Brasil Pintarelli, UFSC
- Lily Estefanía Vargas Díaz
- Camilo Eduardo Tellez Villamizar, Catholic University of Colombia
Tags: Seasonal School