Since its establishment one year ago, the NTC Young Professionals (NTC YP) Committee expanded from one person to five highly motivated and active individuals. The committee members support their respective IEEE Regions: R7 (Canada), R8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa), R9 (Central and South Americas), R10 (Asia).
Four Regional NTC YP LinkedIn pages have been established and are timely updated. The regional coordinators established cooperation with the regional NTC conference organizers in order to support and ensure presence of young professionals. The following conferences have committed to work with the NTC YP team: NMDC21, NAP21.
Up to date, NTC YP have organized five nanotechnology webinars that gathered more than 300 participants. Another three webinars are scheduled. In March, during the first NTC YP Committee meeting, the plans and strategy for the activities and expansion have been discussed and are currently implemented. In addition to online presence, webinars, and conferences, the committee focuses on expansion to the USA IEEE Regions (1-6) and cooperation with NTC Chapters and YP Affinity Groups worldwide.
NTC YP LinkedIn Groups
Region 7:
Region 8:
Region 9:
Region 10:
Tags: Young Professionals