At its November meeting, the NTC Excom approved a proposal from the NTC Technical Activities Committee to form the 14th Technical Committee (TC), on Nanoacoustic Devices, Processes and Materials. Xiaoning Jiang, of the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UNC & NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA was appointed as TC Chair for 2016-2017, and James Spicer of the Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA was appointed as TC co-chair for 2016-2017.
The past 10 years has seen an explosion of research interest in acoustics associated nanomaterials, nanostructures, nanofabrication and devices for a broad range of applications.
The NTC’s IEEE-UFFC member society has a large group of scientists and students who research nano-acoustics, but have not been benefiting from or contributing to NTC technical activities.
The TC will focus on such areas as:
- Acoustic device applications such as mobile and/or autonomous devices (e.g. microphone, acoustic touch sensing, etc.), biomedical imaging devices (ultrasound imaging), biomedical therapy devices (ultrasound therapy, acoustic drug delivery), implantable and embedded devices (acoustic sensors and transducers), wearable and surface mountable devices (acoustic sensors), which involve interactions between acoustics waves and nano-materials/structures.
- Advanced acoustic sensing and measurement approaches that permit unprecedented understanding of phenomena on the nanoscale.
- Development of new materials for application to nanoscale acoustic devices and processes, examples include piezoelectric nano-materials, piezoelectric nano-structures, photoacoustic nanonaterials and nanostructures, etc.
The new TC has announced its initial goals:
–Within two years: A dedicated session at IEEE NANO with 10 accepted papers
–Within four years: A dedicated track at IEEE NANO with 30 accepted papers, regular tutorials at IEEE NANO, a dedicated special issue in TNANO or TUFFC.
Tags: TC15