IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Soft Electronics TC

Soft electronics has been emerging rapidly and is envisioned as the future of next-generation electronic devices where devices can be readily deployed in various environments and scenarios, such as on-body, on-skin, biomedical implants, sensors, robotics, agriculture, etc. Soft electronics requires conductors, semiconductors, dielectrics in certain formats as the key enabling materials to realize desired functions and performances. The recent advancements in nanotechnology has particularly spurred the advances of soft electronics in many aspects. A plethora of nanomaterials (including but not limited to nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, graphene, and other 2D materials) have played a key role in soft electronics. It is of timely importance to establish a platform that can bring together researchers to foster knowledge exchange and promote discussions on the recent development and future of nanotechnology for soft electronics and related topics.

Topics of Interest

  • Flexible and stretchable electronics from nanomaterials
  • Soft sensors based on nanomaterials
  • Soft robotics based on nanomaterials
  • Nanomanufacturing for soft electronics
  • Integration and packaging of soft electronics
  • Organic and inorganic soft electronics
  • Emerging applications of soft electronics


  1. To advance knowledge and innovation within the field of soft electronics and nanotechnology.
  2. To bring together experts and stakeholders from various organizations to share their expertise, experiences, and insights. They facilitate collaboration and networking opportunities to promote the exchange of knowledge and foster professional development of the field.
  3. To review and evaluate papers, abstracts to assess their quality and performances and to provide recommendations or approvals based on objective assessments.
  4. To contribute and to promote educational initiatives, training programs, or awareness campaigns related to the field.
  5. To disseminate knowledge, promote understanding of the technologies among professionals and the general public.

Committee Participants

ChairCunjiang YuPenn State
Co-ChairsYong ZhuNC State
MembersWubin BaiUNC Chapel
Amay BandodkarNC State
Aaron FranklinDuke
Xiaoning JiangNC State
Wynn LegonVirginia
Tse Nga (Tina) NgUC San
Sung Woo NamUC
Xiaoyue NiDuke
John RogersNorthwestern
Rafal SlizUniversity of Oulu,
Chuan WangWashington
Wenzhuo WuPurdue
Updated 01-22-2025