IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Archive for the ‘Fellows’ Category

New Nanotechnology Fellows

Sunday, February 9th, 2014

The Nanotechnology Council Fellows Committee is pleased to announce the following new IEEE Fellows:

Babu Chalamala
MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc., USA

for contributions to the development of advanced materials and device technologies for vacuum microelectronics and field emission displays

Shoou-Jinn Chang
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

for contributions to nano scale photonic, electronic, and sensing devices

Please join in congratulations on this achievement.


NTC Congratulates New IEEE Fellows

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

IEEE has announced the Class of 2013 IEEE Fellows.

297 nominees were elevated to IEEE Fellow Grade, effective 1 January 2013.

The NTC congratulates our two new Nanotechnology Council Fellows:
Alexander Balandin, of the University of California – Riverside and Gerhard Klimeck, of Purdue University.

Dr. Balandin is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Director of the Nano-Device Laboratory and Founding Chair, Materials Science and Engineering Program at UC-Riverside. He also serves as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
Dr. Balandin has received many honors, including the Nanotechnology Council’s IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology, 2011
He received his Fellow elevation ‘for contributions to characterization of thermo-electric properties of semiconductor nanostructures and graphene’.

Dr. Klimeck is a Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology and of at Purdue University. He received his Fellow elevation: “for contributions to atomistic quantum simulation tools for nanoelectronic devices”.