IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Report on the 1st IEEE Hyderabad Nano Day

1st IEEE Hyderabad Nano Day

The IEEE Nanotechnology Council Hyderabad Section Chapter hosted the 1st IEEE Hyderabad Nano Day on 23 July 2021. This virtual event had a diversity of events scheduled throughout the day ranging from Launch Address, Distinguished Keynotes, Technical Keynotes, Industry Experts Interaction, IEEE NTC Ex-Com Representation, IEEE Hyderabad Section Exe-com Representation, R10 Exe- com and Industry Expert Representation, Release of NTC HSC roadmap along with Volunteering and Networking opportunities exploration.

IEEE Hyderabad Nano Day celebrated the launch and inauguration of the Nanotechnology Council Hyderabad Section Chapter, which received formation approval on 24 June 2021.

All nanotechnology enthusiasts/ learners /professionals /students/ seniors from academia/ industry/ government were welcome to join and witness the first of its kind event to share, contribute, learn, teach and collaborate.

Hyderabad Section Chapter,NANO42, Hyderabad Section
Hyderabad Section Dr. Santhosh Sivasubramani

Co-sponsored by IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE NTC YP R10, IEEE NTC TC12, IEEE Hyd Affiliated Society Chapters, IEEE Hyd SAC Organized

Co-Organized and Supported by IEEE Hyderabad Section, IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE NTC Young Professionals R10, IEEE NTC TC12 Nanomagnetics.

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