The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) is expanding worldwide through the addition of new chapters to now total 27 active chapters. So far during 2019 chapters have been added in the Chengdu China Section, the Western Saudi Arabia Section, the Chicago Section, the Oregon Section and the Victorian Section in Australia. This growth follows on the addition of two chapters in 2018 and seven in 2017.
Do you have a Chapter near you? For the current list see the Chapters page.
Student chapters have grown to now total 11 with new student chapters being added so far during 2019 in the Uttar Pradesh India Section at the Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, the University Nacional De Colombia Sede Bogota Colombia and in the Delhi India Section at the Academy of Scientific Research Chandigarh.
More are in the petition path towards becoming chapters in sections in other areas of Australia, Romania, Italy and China. The NTC leadership has been cooperating in this qrowth emphasis by locating and encouraging contacts in their networks to initiate formation petitions. More areas in the world are becoming involved in nanotechnology related science, engineering and study and interested organizers are welcomed to file petitions to form chapters at
Startup funding was provided by the NTC to many of the chapters formed in the last few years to help them quickly organize activities and events. For example the Chicago chapter’s initial focus is on holding a networking event with local startups and companies involved in Nanotech in the Chicago area along with a tour of local facilities such as Argonne National Lab for undergraduates and graduates in the local universities. The Delhi India Section at the Academy of Scientific Research Chandigarh held a workshop on Machine Intelligence and Deep Learning and also a Poster Paper Competition. In Australia a retreat supportive to women in STEM focused on early career grant & paper writing. At the new Oregon chapter a three speaker symposium is scheduled for early December.
Chapter support funding has become available to existing chapters as well, and interested chapters only need to inquire by sending a general proposal to the Chair of the NTC Chapters Committee. If you would like to form a local NTC chapter use the form below to contact us.
Chapter inquiry form