IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

2018 President’s Note

Dear Nanotechnology Council (NTC) Members and Friends:

I am Yonhua (Tommy) Tzeng who just took the challenging responsibilities of being President of IEEE Nanotechnology
Council for 2018-2019. NTC has an excellent foundation built and continuously improved by volunteers and leadership teams in past many years. On behalf of NTC, I like to thank Prof. Wen Li, the immediate past president of NTC and all the volunteers for their contributions! Looking ahead of NTC, we wish to build and expand NTC community into true valuable assets of NTC’s 22 member societies and a fast growing Global Nano Hub known by the world as a multidisciplinary technical leader in nanotechnology. Proactive and creative initiatives and humble but confident leaning from proven successful examples will lead our dream to come true.

In the coming years, we shall measure our progress in building a Global Nano Hub based on the frequency of collaborative activities with 22 member societies; geographical and disciplinary breadth of NTC leadership team and volunteers; the increase in NTC’s currently nearly 9000 members of the Nanotechnology Interest Group; increase in number and information sharing by members of NTC social media’s Nanotechnology Group; subscribers of IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine and participants of NTC summer schools
and chapters; and most importantly, the increase in repetitive participants of NTC conferences.

NTC’s success in becoming known as a global technical leader in nanotechnology will be measured by long lasting impacts and efficient editorial process of NTC publications such as TNANO and INM; Rich contents of NTC websites; number of chapters and frequency of chapter activities; summer schools with their long- lasting impacts; technical activities of TCs and contributions by TC members; and conference attendance and budget surplus.

On behalf of NTC, I thank you all for continuous support and promise to work together with you all to create more values for better humanity and for everyone in our community!

Yonhua (Tommy) Tzeng,
President and Fellow, IEEE Nanotechnology Council,
University Chair and Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan




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