We have much pleasure in inviting you to attend the 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO 2013) (http://ieeenano2013.org) , which will be held in August 5 – 8, 2013, at Shangrila Hotel, Beijing, China.
IEEE-NANO is the flagship IEEE annual conference on nanotechnology, and one of the biggest nanotechnology conferences in the world.
The conference is now calling for Late News Submissions. We are happy to provide the new opportunity to those researchers, who missed the paper submission deadline before, to submit papers to the conference. Please submit your papers (or abstracts) by following the guideline as specified below. If your papers (or abstracts) are accepted, please submit your full papers by June 5, 2013. See ‘Authors/Paper Submission’ on the conference website (http://ieeenano2013.org).
For a complete list of Plenary/keynote and Tutorial Speakers see the ‘Program’ tab on the conference website or visit http://ieeenano2013.org/frames/plenaries.htm
Please make your registration via the conference webpage at: www.ieeenano2013.org.
Should you have any inquiry, please contact the conference secretariat at: NANO2013@cityu.edu.hk.
Tags: NANO