IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Nanotechnology Council Elects 2017 Officers

Sendai, Japan (22 August 2016) – The IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) elected new officers at its Annual Meeting held August 22 in Sendai in conjunction with its 2016 International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO).

Representatives of the twenty-two IEEE Societies who are Council members gather annually to conduct Council business and elect officers. This year three positions were up for election: President-elect for 2017 (President in 2018-19), Vice-President for Conferences 2017-18, and Vice-President for Finance 2017-18.

Prof. Yonhua (Tommy) Tzeng of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Institute of Microelectronics at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan was elected President-elect for 2017. Guangyong Li, Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) was elected VP for Conferences 2017-18. James Morris, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Portland State University (Portland, Oregon) was elected Vice-president for Finances. All positions are effective as of January 1, 2017.


Yonhua TzengYonhua (Tommy) Tzeng is an IEEE Fellow and University Chair Professor of Institute of Microelectronics in the Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, at National Cheng Kung University, the second largest major research-intensive comprehensive university in Tainan, Taiwan with 22,000 students.

Dr. Tzeng joined Auburn University in 1983, was promoted to be an Alumni Chair Professor of ECE and served as Associate Director of Alabama Micro/Nano Science and Technology Center.  He retired from Auburn University in 2007 to serve as VP for Research at NCKU, where he was the founding EIC of an online magazine with close to two million readers. He has been a visiting professor at Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Argonne National Lab, USA.

Dr. Tzeng is a world renowned scientist in diamond, graphene, nano-carbons and nanotechnology.  He has published 240 journal and conference papers, 15 US patents, 15 Taiwan patents.

Dr. Tzeng’s demonstrated professional leadership in IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) activities includes serving as VP for Technical Activities (2005-2007), VP for Publications (2008-2009 and 2015-), General Chair of 2014 IEEE NMDC in Tainan, Taiwan, Chair of the Technical Committee on Nanotechnology for the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Chair of ExCom for the International New Diamond and Nano Carbon Conference,.

VP Conferences

GLiGuangyong Li is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). He received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, in 1992, the M.S. degree in control theory and application from Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Michigan State University, East Lansing, in 2006.

His industrial experience includes working for Beijing Institute of Space Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing (1992-1996) and Beijing Hollysys Corporation, Beijing (1999). He received the 2006 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award. His current research interests include nanostructured thin film solar cells; scanning probe microcopy; micro/nanorobotic systems; nanodevices and biosensors; control theory and applications; real-time system design and integration.

He has participated in activities organized by IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) since 2002, serving as Vice President for Technical Activities (2014-2015), General Chair of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO 2017), Program Chair of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2015), Program Co-Chair of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO 2014), as a representative from IEEE NTC on the steering committee of IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (2011-2014), as a registration chair for conferences sponsored by NTC such as IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (2009 and 2010) and IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (2013).

VP Finance

MorrisJim Morris has been doing nanotechnology since before the term was invented. His M.Sc. research at the University of Auckland dealt with tunnel diode circuits and modeling, and his Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Saskatchewan with nanoparticle thin films. Since then, he has branched out into sensors and embedded systems for automotive engine control at Victoria University of Wellington and South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, and developed a long term interest in electronics packaging at SUNY-Binghamton, especially in electrically conductive adhesives.

Jim is currently a “semi-retired” Professor Emeritus at Portland State University, where these interests have merged in nanopackaging.  He has (co-)edited or co-authored seven books on electronics packaging and nanotechnology, two having been translated into Chinese, including “Nanopackaging” which is currently being expanded into a second edition. Jim has held visiting positions at several international universities, including at the Helsinki University of Technology as a Nokia-Fulbright Fellow. He has served the Nanotechnology Council as Vice-President for Conferences (2013-2014), Awards Chair (2010-2012), Nanopackaging TC chair/co-chair (2008-2014) and Nanotechnology Magazine nanopackaging column editor (2011- ).


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