IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Advancing Nanotech for Humanity

Message from Web/Newsletter EiC

Welcome to IEEE NTC Web!

IEEE NTC Web has been designed to facilitate easy contributions by all stakeholders of NTC.

Conference Chairs, EICs, TC Chairs and members, Member Society representatives, Chapters, NTC officers, etc. can submit news and messages including graphics and text for posting in the website.  Events related messages will be incorporated into the NTC Calendar. Scientific, technological , and engineering news will be posted in the NANO NEWS.

It is anticipated that by means of the NTC Web platform, all NTC stakeholders can proactively contribute excellent, rich, and timely contents to the NTC Web and make it a “must visit” by those who are interested in nanotechnology.

Web-based Newsletter will highlight rich web contents and be sent to those on the NTC emailing list.

Yonhua (Tommy) Tzeng

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan

EIC of Web/Newsletter and VP for Pubs

IEEE Nanotechnology Council


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